Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Tuesday, 23 February 2010

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held in Leysdown on Tuesday 23rd February 2010 from 9:37 am to 10:05 am.

Present: Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, David Garside, Mike Henderson and Ben Stokes.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Andrew Spiers and Graham Thomas.

Also In Attendance: Miss Switters (Applicant), Mr Baker (Agent), Mrs Ambrose, Miss Ambrose, Mr Huntley, Mr McCourt, Mr Pattinson, Mr and Mrs Priechenfried and Mr Rowsell (local residents).

Apologies: Councillors Mark Ellen, Lesley Ingham and Jean Willicombe.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


sw/09/1216 (2.5) - the lookout, shellness hamlet, leysdown

The Planner introduced the application which sought planning permission for a first floor extension to The Lookout, Shellness. The extension would be rendered and would measure 4.8 metres by 6.6 metres and would include a balcony with a depth of 1.5 metres. The overall height would increase from four metres to 6.2 metres. The dwelling was in the Shellness Hamlet which was surrounded by the Swale Special Site of Scientific Interest and within a Special Landscape Area.

Leysdown Parish Council had not yet commented on the application. Natural England had raised no objection, subject to the application not being bigger than the footprint of the existing dwelling.

The Planner reported that 16 letters and emails of objection and 10 in support had been received, which he summarised. He advised that the application was not entirely within Local Plan Policy with regard to modest extensions outside the built up area. However, as the area was so remote and the present dwelling was very small and lacked basic amenities, this case was an exception to the rule, as the property could not be considered to be an affordable rural dwelling. He considered the application would not set a precedent.

The Agent explained that the extension was needed to enable the dwelling to be more usable as a family holiday home, bearing in mind the applicant's intended adoption of children. He advised that the design had been based on its former use as a lookout.

A representative from the Shellness Estate Board acknowledged that changes should be allowed to occur. He reported that the Board raised concern with the design and wanted any alterations to be minimal. He requested that any amendments were not larger than the present footprint and that the extension did not encroach onto the Estates' land above high water.

Local residents raised the following points: the present building was iconic and important to the hamlet; the extension would be an eyesore; it would have a detrimental effect on the line of the hamlet; improvements would be beneficial; it was visible from the swimming pool; the extension would be a 'block' appearance; no objection generally, but poor design; more sympathetic design was needed; needed to be more aesthetic; there were very few two storey buildings in the hamlet; the dwelling was already raised up and the proposal was out of keeping with the surrounding area.

In response to a question, the Planner explained that he did not consider the application would set a precedent as the existing dwelling was so small and was different from most of the other properties in the hamlet. The Agent confirmed that the design had been the result of a process of looking at various schemes that could have been considered. He did not think the design detracted from the original dwelling.

In response to a question from a Member, the Planner explained that the proposed design would give the minimum impact to the extension; if it had been proposed to be situated to one side, this would have detracted from neighbours' views of the sea.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer and Planner questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting