Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 22 January 2007

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held in Warden on Monday 22nd January 2007 from 10:00 am to 10:35 am.

Present: Councillors Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Crowther, John Disney, Sandra Garside, Elvina Lowe and Ben Stokes.

Officers Present: Miss Davies, Mrs Rouse and Mr Jeffers.

Also In Attendance: Mr Barber (Agent), Messrs F Uden and F Uden (Applicants), Miss Axten and Messrs Nash and Webb (Local Residents).

Apologies: Councillors Simon Clark, Christine Coles, Fiona Gowdy, Jennie Ronan, Alan Willicombe and Woodland.


part b minutes for information


land adjacent 'pearls', thornhill road, warden

The Area Planning Officer explained that the application was for a four bedroomed detached chalet style house with an integral garage. The proposed dwelling was set 6.2 metres back from the front, 1.4 metres from the southern boundary and four metres from the property 'Pearls'. The ridge height was 8.2 metres. There would be parking for a total of three vehicles on the site. He further explained that the proposed development was within the built up area of Warden and that the design was not dissimilar to other properties in the area. The proposed dwelling extended four metres beyond the boundary of the 'Pearls' house, but it was considered that the distance from 'Pearls' was sufficient as to not cause any loss of light. He confirmed that there were no first floor side windows overlooking the properties on Cliff Drive, which were 13 metres away. The garden would be landscaped and the scale and design of the proposed house were appropriate to the surrounding area.

Objections to the proposed development had been received which included: loss of light and privacy and it being too large for the site.

Kent Highway Services had raised no objection to the proposal.

The Agent explained that the proposed dwelling would be set in line with the existing building line of 'Pearls' and he considered there was a reasonable distance from the boundaries of other properties. He confirmed that a conservatory may be built at the rear of the house; rather than a brick wall that was currently shown on the plans and that the garden suited the size of the property.

Local residents raised concerns with regard to the proposal and emphasised the following points: the height of the ridge of the property could cause a shadow and block sunlight into their properties; sewerage concerns and problems of potential seepage; and overlooking.

In response to questions, the Agent explained that any problems of drainage and sewerage would be looked into and dealt with as a Building Regulation matter. With regard to concerns relating to the level of the application site in comparison with surrounding properties, the Area Planning Officer confirmed that this matter could be addressed by means of a suitable condition. The Agent also agreed to provide details of a cross-section or street scene showing the comparable ground and ridge levels between the site and adjoining properties for Members of the Planning Committee on 31st January 2007.

Members then toured the site and asked the Area Planning Officer questions which he answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting