Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 20 December 2005

Notice of Meeting, Summons and Agenda

M E H RADFORD - Corporate Services Director
Date Published: 12 December 2005

A meeting of the Swale Rural Forum will be held in the Sheppey Leisure Complex, , Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey on Tuesday 20 December 2005 at 7:00pm.

Members: Councillor Don Jordan (Chairman), Councillor Sandra Garside (Vice Chairman), Councillors Richard Barnicott, George Bobbin, Chris Boden, Andrew Bowles, Sylvia Butt, Christine Coles, Gerry Lewin, John Morris, Colin Prescott, Ben Stokes, Brian Woodland and John Wright.

Quorum = 5


kent county council member

To be confirmed.

rural organisations

Mr A Brookes, Mr K Attwood and Mr J Holroyd (National Farmers' Union), Councillors D Dewar-Whalley and M Woods (Kent Association of Parish Councils), Mr P Cumberland, Mr C Davies (Director, Kent Rural Community Council), Mr P Faulkner (Faversham Area Tourist Association), Revd W Hornsby, Mrs N Kemp (Rural Policy Officer, Kent County Council), Miss L Newton (Swale Tourism Association), Mr C Rayment (Rural Action (Business in the Community)), Ms S Stoneham (Strategic Planning, Kent County Council), the Swale Community Hubs Project Officer, and representatives from the Women's Institute and the Swale Youth Forum (to be confirmed).

apologies for absence and confirmation of substitutes



Annex 1 for Item 2

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30th August 2005 as a correct record (Minute Nos. 258 - 268).

declarations of interest

Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting.

Members are reminded that even if an interest has been declared in the Members Interests Register, it should still be disclosed at each meeting. Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt.


part a reports for recommendation


archaeology in the rural community

To receive a presentation from Dr Pat Reid of the Faversham Archaeological Society, giving details of the legal position for farmers with respect to archaeological finds, and other associated matters.

proposed changes to the draft local plan

Annex 1 for Item 5 | Annex 2 for Item 5

To consider a report detailing changes to the Draft Local Plan, previously submitted to the Meeting of the Sittingbourne Area Forum on 29th November 2005 (Report attached).

economic development strategy & rural action plan- rural forum working group

Annex 1 for Item 6 | Annex 2 for Item 6

To receive a report on the findings of the Rural Forum Working Group, prior to the Working Group presenting their findings to the Executive meeting on 18th January 2006 (report attached).

rural, social and community programme - response to the department for environment, food and rural affairs (defra)

Annex 1 for Item 7

To note the response provided to DEFRA's consultation document regarding the Rural, Social and Community Programme.  (Minute No. 266(2)/8/05 refers.) 

rural, social and community programme - rural forum working group

Annex 1 for Item 8 | Annex 2 for Item 8 | Annex 3 for Item 8 | Annex 4 for Item 8

To receive an update from the Working Group following the submission of the response to DEFRA sent on 13th October 2005.

local government association rural conference and commission

Annex 1 for Item 9

To receive a report from Councillor Brenda Hammond on the LGA Rural Conference and Commission (report attached).

post bus

At the request of Councillor Christine Coles, a letter has been sent to Royal Mail, asking for information concerning the future of the Post Bus Service. (Information to follow).

farm reservoir application

To receive a verbal update from Mr Attwood, with reference to the farm reservoir application at Vinson's, Faversham.

kent county council advice to seera on the south east plan - regional transport hub

To receive a verbal update from the Executive Member for Engineering, Planning and Transport on Kent County Council's (KCC) advice to the South East England Regional Assembly (SEERA), with reference to the proposed Regional Transport Hub in Kent.

View the Minutes from this meeting