Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 20 December 2005

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the Delacey Hall, Beach Street, Sheerness on Tuesday 20th December 2005 from 7:00 pm to 8:35 pm.

Present: Councillors Jordan (Chairman), Councillor Sandra Garside (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Bobbin, Bowles, Christine Coles, Gerry Lewin, Prescott, Ben Stokes and John Wright.

Officers Present: Misses Davies and Newton, Mrs Taylor and Messrs Mansfield and Spiers.

Also In Attendance: Mr K Attwood (National Farmers Union (NFU)), Mr P Cumberland (Swale Tourism Association), Dr P Reid and Mr Reid (Faversham Archaeological Society) and Ms S Stoneham (Strategic Planning, Kent County Council).

Apologies: Councillors Barnicott, Sylvia Butt, John Morris and Woodland.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 30th August 2005 (Minute Nos. 258 - 268) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part a minutes for confirmation


archaeology in the rural community

Members received a presentation from Dr Pat Reid of the Faversham Archaeological Society. She outlined Swale's important heritage, its Scheduled Ancient Monuments and informed Members that the Swale itself had been an important sea way in past times. Dr Reid then explained the legal framework of the Society which encompassed Planning Policy Guidance 16, the Treasure Act, Listed Buildings, the Portable Antiquities Scheme and Home Office Regulations on Human Remains.

She further explained to Members that it was possible to carry out an archaeological 'dig' by non-intrusive methods which involved field walking on ploughed ground and plotting any finds on maps.

In response to questions, Dr Reid confirmed that archaeological groups were interested in a whole range of ages and patterns of finds. Ownership of metal detectors in the United Kingdom amounted to 30,000 and there was no legal requirement to register them. Dr Reid considered that 'lone' searchers did more harm than those involved in a group.

Dr Reid concluded her presentation by informing Members of problems that were evident when individuals carried out archaeological searches themselves. These included treasure 'disappearing', conflicts and the need to liaise with other volunteers. She suggested that Swale Borough Council (SBC) could be involved in a one-off Swale Heritage Forum. The aim would be to involve all local historical groups and to consider ways to improve communications and archiving and to pool resources.

Members agreed that archaeological searches could bring benefits to communities, tourism and the economy. Dr Reid was thanked for her interesting presentation and the Chairman confirmed that he would report her suggestion to Council.


proposed changes to the draft local plan

The Chairman reminded Members that this item had been presented to the Sittingbourne and Swale West Area Forum and that the consultation period ended on 9th January 2006.

A Member confirmed that the map submitted in the report was incomplete and that future plans would concentrate on Sittingbourne High Street too. Members from the NFU spoke regarding the planned infrastructure and links from the north of the railway line to the south.

Comments were made that any progress to the north of the town would have a beneficial effect on the town centre too.

(1) That the report be noted.

economic development strategy & rural action plan - rural forum working group

The Tourism Development Officer presented a report on the findings of the Rural Forum Working Group. She brought Members' attention to Paragraph 4 of the report which explained that consultation would be extended and that Working Groups would report to the Executive in February 2006. She reported that the Tourism Workshop had supported the Working Groups' findings and that there was a need to take a pro-active stance with regard to planning issues and to develop action plans.

(1) That the report be noted.

rural, social and community programme - response to the department for environment, food and rural affairs (defra) and rural forum working group

The Economic Development Officer referred Members to the response provided to DEFRA's consultation document regarding the Rural, Social and Community Programme and an update from the Working Group. He suggested that if Members wished to comment further they should contact the Assistant Community Development Officer.

A Member commented that often small rural schools did not have enough specialist facilities for children with particular needs and the Economic Development Officer agreed to look into this.


local government association (lga) rural conference and commission

The Chairman drew Members attention to the report from Councillor Brenda Hammond. The Leader, who had recently been appointed as the LGA Rural Commission Chairman, took questions from Members regarding the recent conference.

(1) That the report be noted.

post bus

A Member reported that she had received concerns from residents regarding the post bus service. The Chairman read an email from the Royal Mail which quashed fears that this service was to be discontinued.

Members suggested that the local Parish Council could become more involved with liaising with the Post Office about this service in the future.

Members then discussed the threatened closure of Teynham Post Office and the effect that it would have on neighbouring towns and the community.

(1) That a letter be written to the Post Office in opposition to the proposed closure of Teynham Post Office.

farm reservoir application

The Chairman advised Members that in view of this item being discussed at a future Planning Committee, there would be no discussion at the meeting.

A member of the NFU reported to Members the growing need for this type of facility on farms.

(1) That issues of poly-tunnels and reservoirs and their effect on the landscape be considered at the next meeting, due to be held on Tuesday 18th April 2006.

kent county council (kcc) advice to the south east england regional assembly (seera) on the south east plan - regional transport hub

In response to a question, the Executive Member for Engineering, Planning and Transport reported that Sittingbourne had not been included as a transport hub for Kent following advice from SEERA and the Government Office for the South East. KCC could allocate three towns or cities as hubs, and the Thames Gateway area and Ashford had been chosen as money was already invested there. Dover, Canterbury and Maidstone had been discussed, but Sittingbourne had not been included.


record of thanks

The Economic Development Officer informed Members that Mrs Christine Taylor was leaving SBC; he thanked her for all her hard work and the Forum wished her well for the future.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting