Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 20 April 2009

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held on site on Monday 20th April 2009 from 10:00 am to 10:45 am.

Present: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Andy Booth, Simon Clark, Adrian Crowther, David Garside, Elvina Lowe, Pat Sandle, Roger Truelove and Ghlin Whelan.

Officers Present: Claire Dethier, Joanne Hammond, Andrew Jeffers and Graham Thomas.

Also In Attendance: Councillor Kenneth Pugh, Mr and Mrs Hurley, Mr and Mrs Ives, Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr Stanford (local residents), Mr MacDonald (Minster Parish Council), Miss Smith and Mr King (applicants).

Apologies: Councillors Bobbin, Mark Ellen, Sue Gent, Mike Henderson, Bryan Mulhern, Prescott and Ben Stokes.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


sw/08/0579 (2.11) - the hawthorns, greyhound road, minster; sw/08/1253 (2.12) - the farmyard, elmley road, minster; sw/09/0146 (2.13) - rambling rose, greyhound road, minster

The Area Planning Officer advised that Members were being asked to consider three separate planning applications on their own merits. The applications were being considered together following a request by Minster Parish Council that Members consider the cumulative effect of the three applications on the community.

The application for Rambling Rose was for a change of use for the land to station five mobile homes and one day room for a gypsy family. The Hawthorns was for a change of use of the land to station one mobile home for a gypsy and erection of a wooden garden shed. The Farmyard was seeking planning permission for the stationing of two residential caravans.

The Area Planning Officer summarised the concerns raised by Minster Parish Council and local residents, as set out in the report. Natural England, Kent Highway Services and the County Archaeological Officer had all been consulted and raised no objection to the three applications. The sites were outside the built-up area and were not within an area of flood risk or had any special policy designations. He outlined the planning history of the three sites and referred to the current situation regarding gypsy and traveller sites in Swale and the guidance contained in Circular 01/2006, as explained in the report.

The Area Planning Officer considered that the sites were in accordance with the suitability criteria for gypsy sites and he recommended approval of temporary permission for a three-year period for each of the three applications.

Mr King, applicant for Rambling Rose, explained that the water board would install drainage once their application had been approved. The caravans on the Greyhound Road site had a mains electricity supply, water supply, bottled gas and a cesspit.

Mr MacDonald, representing Minster Parish Council, considered that approving the applications would lead to a proliferation of gypsy sites; historically the Isle of Sheppey did not have gypsy families; and the site had become an eyesore for local residents. The Parish Council raised concern that, as there was no mains water drainage, the caravans were using the surface water drainage system and the Lower Road already had problems with blocked drains.

Local residents raised the following concerns with regard to the applications at Greyhound Road: lack of adequate waste disposal arrangements; access on to Lower Road was dangerous; loss of trees; proposal was not in the right place at the right time or in the public interest; concerns with children playing near to busy road; burning on site; lack of amenities nearby, including schools; no footpaths along Lower Road for access to village; drainage issues; impact on nature and wildlife; the earth bank was an eyesore; an attractive rural site had been destroyed; increased traffic movements on Elmley Road; detrimental effect on community cohesion; site would increase in size over time; would lead to a cumulative effect for approving other gypsy sites; other applications by existing residents for the Greyhound Road sitehad been refused; double standards because the proposals were gypsy applications; concern that Police would not enter Rambling Rose site; the site was a habitat for short-eared owls; gates restricted public access; comments should be sought from Lower Medway Internal Drainage Board and the site was in a green field area.

A local resident made the following comments in relation to the application at The Farmyard, Elmley Road: The Farmyard was within a brown field area; the area had been cleared of old materials and the site has been tidied up; the applicant removed an extension to the original barn that was subject to an enforcement notice; the applicant had installed a mains water and electricity supply and cesspit; and they had a good relationship with neighbours.

Members asked various questions. The applicant for Rambling Rose confirmed that the copse had been cleared to make space for the caravans and that the earth bank would be reduced in height and the spoil would be spread over the land.

The Area Planning Officer advised that it was recommended that the earth bank be reduced to one metre in height to allow for some screening of the mobile homes from the road.

Members toured the sites for Rambling Rose and the Hawthorns in Greyhound Road and then visited The Farmyard in Elmley Road. They asked the Development Control Manager, Area Planning Officer and the Planning Officer questions which they answered.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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