Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 19 November 2012

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held on site on Monday 19 November 2012 from 9:30 am to 10:20 am.


sw/12/1188 (2.7) - wylie court, attlee way, sittingbourne

PRESENT: Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Bobbin, Adrian Crowther, Mike Henderson, Pat Sandle, Roger Truelove, Ghlin Whelan, Alan Willicombe and Jean Willicombe.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Philippa Davies, Alun Millard and Graham Parkinson.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Tony Winckless (Ward Member), Mr Gerald Curtis (Agent), Mr Ashton Freeman (Project Manager), Miss Ghada Mitri (Environment Agency), Mrs Jenny Zaluska (Development Manager), Mrs Firth, Mr Francis, Mr Hawkins, Mrs Jarman, Mr Norris and Mr and Mrs Sherlock (Local Residents).

APOLOGIES: Councillors Barnicott, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Derek Conway, Mark Ellen, June Garrad, Bryan Mulhern and Nick Williams.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


site visit

The Senior Planner introduced the application and explained that the proposal was for the redevelopment of the site for an Extra Care scheme comprising of a three storey block of flats made up of 38 two bedroom flats and 13 one bedroom flats, and all would be available as affordable housing. The development would also comprise of areas allowing public access; these included reception areas, lounge, activity room, café and hair/therapy facilities. The building would front North Street and would be set back from the street by seven metres. Twenty one car parking spaces would be provided; two for disabled users, and three cycle spaces. There would be a communal landscaped area to the rear of the building.

The Senior Planner reported that the proposed use was similar to what the site had previously been used for and he advised that the Housing Strategy Team supported the proposal as there was a lack of such accommodation in Swale. He explained that the appearance of the scale of the building would be addressed by the overall design of the roof height being 'broken up'. He reported that concerns over loss of sunlight had been looked into and he considered that overshadowing was minimal. The Senior Planner reported that the car park would be set back from the road and considered that any loss of privacy was similar to the previous use of the site.

Mr Curtis, the Agent, provided further information on the development and advised that the modern designed, self-contained units would be an improvement on what had previously been there. Mr Curtis explained that he had worked closely with the Planning Department to mitigate any issues that had arisen and the public had also been consulted with. He advised that although there was no legislation to cover overlooking issues, guidelines had been followed to reduce this.

A Ward Member raised concern over the height of the proposed building and that there were no other three-storey buildings in the area. He considered it would not 'blend in' with the surrounding area and that 21 car parking spaces were not enough. The Highways Officer confirmed that there were 21 spaces for 51 units; within the maximum level suggested for this type of development, whereas for the previous use there had been 10 spaces for 33 units.

Local residents raised the following concerns: concern that demolition of the site had not been given planning permission; had an environmental impact assessment been carried out; unsocial working hours of the demolition workers and the impact on neighbouring residents; increased traffic movements on North Street would result in traffic chaos, a lay-by should be put in place; the proposed building was too high; overshadowing; overlooking; disruption of building work; concerns that the road would become a crescent, rather than a cul-de-sac; roads could be chaotic if there was an emergency; the proposed colour/finish would not improve the area; it was not appropriate to allow some of the building's facilities to be open to the public; traffic congestion; suggestions that Swale Borough Council and AmicusHorizon took over the Middlefield site as well; noise pollution problems; trees had been there previously which had helped to diminish the noise; loss of amenity; sheltered parking and re-charge units were needed for mobility scooters; and not enough car parking spaces.

The Senior Planner advised that demolition approval had been approved in July 2012 and that environmental impact assessments were carried out on major works, not on a project this size.

The Highways Officer did not consider there would be a problem of increased congestion on North Street and suggested there was an option to park at the back of the building if needed.

Members then toured the outside of the site with the Senior Planner and Highways Officer.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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