Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 18 September 2006

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 18th September 2006 from 5:30 pm to 7:20 pm.

Present: Councillor John Wright (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Mike Brown, Christine Coles, Prescott, Gareth Randall, Ghlin Whelan and Alan Willicombe. Kent County Councillors Adrian Crowther (Chairman), Bowles, Gates, Harrison and Roger Truelove. Parish Councillor Mrs A Lewis.

Officers Present: Miss Hammond and Mr Lewis (Swale Borough Council (SBC)) and Messrs Bond, Haratbar and Ross (Kent Highway Services (KHS)).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Chris Boden, Jordan and Ben Stokes.

Apologies: Kent County Councillor Brenda Simpson.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th June 2006 (Minute Nos. 128 - 145) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


order of business

The Chairman altered the order of business as hereinafter minuted.


part a minutes for confirmation


lower road (b2231) - route study

The Transportation Manager (KHS) introduced this report, which provided details on the study regarding the safety record of the B2231 and the remedial measures identified. He reported that the scheme had a good likelihood of securing funding. He advised that the Parish Councils and the local community would be consulted on the details of the proposed scheme once the funding was secured.

A Member questioned whether a programme for the repair and upgrade of the B2231 was planned, as he considered that the cracks and potholes made the road dangerous. The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) reported that a review would be conducted into remedial and safety repairs along this stretch of road.

A Member identified a number of errors and omissions within the study and the Transportation Manager (KHS) agreed to raise these with Jacobs Babtie for correction. He stressed that these mistakes would not affect the likelihood of securing funding for this project.


The Transportation Manager (KHS) advised that in paragraph seven of the report it should read section B, not C.

A Member raised concern that Jenkins Hill was spilt into two sections and considered that it needed to be identified as a single section. He felt that the statistics used did not accurately reflect the high number of accidents that had occurred on this stretch of road and emphasised the need to consult with Parish Councils and the local community. The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) agreed to consider the proposal to include Jenkins Hill as one section.


Councillor Macdonald, representing Minster Parish Council, commented on the Study's lack of focus on Jenkins Hill.

Councillor Purssord, representing Leysdown Parish Council, considered that the Parish Councils had not been given enough time to consider the report.

(1) That a combined bid be made as part of the 2007/2008 Crash Remedial Programme with a view to implementing the safety scheme in full during the 2007/2008 financial year.

high street, sittingbourne - pedestrian safety

Members considered the report of the Divisional Manager, Mid Kent Division (KHS), which updated the Board on the progress with Sittingbourne High Street and pedestrian safety issues.

Honorary Alderman Ann McLean spoke on this item and reported that the top of the bollards situated in the High Street should be painted and a wide band placed around poles for the partially sighted. She asked that KHS Officers provide a timetable of dates for the work and expressed her disappointment that a pelican crossing would not be installed.

Members discussed this report and emphasised the importance of implementing these measures to allow disabled people greater independence within the town centre. They strongly concurred with Honorary Alderman Ann McLean's comments on the pelican crossing and considered that other options should also be identified. A Member reported that Councillors John Wright and Ghlin Whelan had also attended the meeting referred to in the report on 28th July 2006.

In response to Members' questions regarding the use of a pedestrian priority sign in Sittingbourne High Street, the Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) explained that as the signs were not enforceable they could have an adverse impact on pedestrian safety.

The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) advised that the agreed works would be undertaken in November.

(1) That the following items be implemented as soon as possible:
(a) Kent Highway Services undertake to paint a more visible band on street light columns and bollards and Swale Borough Council to carry out similar work on their street furniture within the High Street.
(b) Swale Borough Council to review the position of the benches and bins and to relocate them, where possible, to improve access.
(c) Kent Highway Services to introduce tactile paving at traffic calming platforms as means of identification of informal crossing points in accordance with the Access Groups view.
(d) Kent Highway Services to take firm action against traders who displayed goods and signs on the pavement that impeded movement.

(2) That the existing signage be reviewed; that the possibility of designating the High Street as a pedestrian priority site be investigated and that options for parking enforcement be explored.
(3) That a report on alternative crossings within the High Street be submitted to the next meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board.

criteria for speed limits

Members considered the report of the Divisional Manager, Mid Kent Division (KHS), which provided details on the recently approved criteria for speed limits.

In response to a question from a Member, the Transportation Manager (KHS) confirmed that the Government would be issuing new guidance regarding criteria for speed limits in rural areas but emphasised that this would not always mean a reduction in the speed limit.

(1) That the report be noted subject to Recommendation (2) below.
(2) The supposition that Kent Highway Services should only support those speed limits endorsed by the Police is not accepted as the Board considers that, as democratically elected representatives of the community, residents' views should be considered.

bull lane, newington - petition

The Principal Engineer (SBC) introduced this report, which considered a petition received from the residents of Bull Lane, Newington which requested the provision of vehicle crossing facilities to enable off-street parking.

In response to a question from a Member, the Principal Engineer explained that a report on parking in Station Road, Newington would be finalised the following week.

(1) That no further action be taken in respect of the petition and the petitioners' representative be notified accordingly.

a251 faversham to challock - speed management

The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) introduced this report, which considered the progress of the proposal to introduce lower speed limits along this route.

A Member requested clarification on the situation regarding interactive signs along this stretch of road. The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) explained that the need for interactive signs would be assessed once the speed limit was agreed and implemented.

Members discussed the need for a 30 mph speed limit in the three villages.

(1) That a 30 mph speed limit be introduced in the three villages: North Street, Sheldwich and Badlesmere and the previous consultees be informed accordingly.
(2) That a 50 mph speed limit be introduced along the remainder of the road.

highway works programme 2006/2007

Members considered the update of progress of schemes programmed for construction in 2006/2007.

A Member requested an update on the work undertaken at Tunstall. The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) reported that he was satisfied with the current state of the road following the repairs.

In response to comments from Members regarding the Lower Road/Barton Hill, the footpaths at Cliff Gardens, Minster and the carriageway east of Thistle Hill, Isle of Sheppey, the Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) undertook to look into these issues.


A Member commented on the damage caused to the road at Lime Kiln Lane, Bredgar, due to unauthorised work by a local resident. The Head of Transportation and Planning advised Members to report incidents to the Emergency Response Officer at KHS.

The Ward Member for Hartlip, Newington and Upchurch praised KHS for the improvements made to Newington High Street.

(1) That the report be noted and the progress of works programme for 2006/2007 be endorsed.
(2) That Kent Highway Services investigate the road surface at Lime Kiln Lane, Bredgar and rectify the damage.

marine parade, sheerness - traffic management scheme

Members considered the report of the Divisional Manager, Mid Kent Division (KHS), which examined the progress and objections to a crash remedial scheme at Marine Parade, Sheerness.

(1) That the report be noted.

proposed amendments to existing parking restrictions, double yellow lines and various waiting restrictions

The Principal Engineer (SBC) introduced this report, which considered the results of recent consultation exercises carried out with residents in various areas of proposed waiting restrictions.

The Principal Engineer (SBC) advised that Barrow Green, Teynham would be reported to the next meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board (JTB) as he was reconsulting with Teynham Parish Council.

(1) That the report be noted and Officers implement the following waiting restrictions:
Brewery Road/Cross Lane, Milton Regis (with amendments)
Heard Way, Sittingbourne
Strode Crescent, Sheerness
Edenbridge Drive and Hawthorn Avenue, Sheerness

(2) That further discussions take place with Minster Parish Council and Kent Highway Services with regard to extending Minster Road and Scrapsgate Road proposals, prior to implementation.
(3) That further discussions take place with Kent Highway Services with regard to the possible reduction in length of proposed double yellow lines in Winstanley Road and Invicta Road, Sheerness to minimise the impact on residents' parking.
(4) That the proposed double yellow lines in Connaught Road, Sittingbourne be not implemented in view of the high number of objections.
(5) That the objections raised against the proposed double yellow lines in the Shortlands Road area and the Kestrel Close/Highsted Road area of Sittingbourne be noted and that the scheme be progressed as advertised.

barge way, sittingbourne - introduction of a new speed limit

Members considered the report of the Divisional Manager, Mid Kent Division (KHS), which examined the outcome of the Traffic Regulation Order published to introduce a 40 mph speed limit along the Barge Way, Sittingbourne.

(1) That no further action be taken in respect of the objection so that the Order can be made and the objector be notified accordingly.

speed limit review - various roads, faversham

Members considered the report of the Divisional Manager, Mid Kent Division (KHS), which provided detail on the progress made regarding the review of speed limits in various roads in Faversham.

Members discussed the proposal with regard to the entire length of Love Lane and considered that a 30 mph speed limit should be introduced on this stretch of road.

(1) A2 Brenley Corner to Love Lane - that no further action be taken in respect of the objection, the order for a 50 mph speed limit be made and the objector be notified accordingly.
(2) Love Lane, entire length - that a 30 mph speed limit be made.
(3) A2, Love Lane to Preston Grove - that the new 30 mph speed limit be implemented.
(4) Graveney Road, extension of 30 mph speed limit - that the new 30 mph speed limit be implemented.

minster road/scrapsgate road - junction improvements

Members considered the report of the Divisional Manager, Mid Kent Division (KHS), which provided an update on the previously considered scheme.

The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) explained that this report was an update on the scheme, as requested by the Chairman of the Swale JTB.

(1) That the action being taken is endorsed.

taxi ranks

Members considered the report of the Head of Technical Services (SBC), which examined the results of consultation exercises with properties in areas of proposed taxi ranks or taxi ranks for proposed amendment.

(1) That the report be noted and Officers implement the following taxi rank installation:
Hope Way, Sheerness

(2) That the report be noted and Officers do not implement the following taxi rank installation:
High Street, Sheerness

(3) That the report be noted and Officers implement the extension of the following taxi rank:
Central Avenue, Sittingbourne

sittingbourne residents' parking scheme

The Principal Engineer (SBC) introduced this report, which provided an update on the progress of the Residents Parking Scheme and reported that objections to the scheme had been received following the publication of the traffic order.

A Member raised concern that residents expected the scheme to be implemented sooner than planned. He asked whether a formal press release would be issued to inform residents of the progress, which the Principal Engineer (SBC) confirmed.

(1) That the objections be noted and the scheme be progressed as advertised.

part b minutes for information


progress update

Members examined the chart, which provided an update on the progress made in relation to various schemes within the Borough.

A Member commented on the problems experienced in Eastchurch village centre. The Head of Transportation and Planning (KHS) responded that this issue was dependent on the outcome of the Lower Road (B2231) Route Study.

A Member asked about the alterations proposed to the Doddington traffic calming scheme. The Programme Delivery Manager (KHS) explained that they were currently investigating appropriate improvements to the scheme.

A Member requested that a key be added to the Progress Update to clarify the abbreviations used under the heading 'responsible officer'.


In response to a Member's comment regarding the installation of an island refuge on Hartlip Hill, the Transportation Manager (KHS) confirmed that this suggestion would be considered.


(1) That the report be noted.

local government (access to information) act 1985


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

part a minutes for confirmation


disabled parking bays

The Principal Engineer (SBC) explained that the disabled parking bay applications had been considered by the Board at a previous meeting following a formal consultation. The Board was now being asked to note that objections had been received following the advertisement of the Traffic Regulation Order.

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees be noted and that the following disabled person parking bays remain:
7 Nutfields, Sittingbourne
23 Ruins Barn Road, Sittingbourne
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting