Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 17th September 2008 from 10:00 am to 11:48 am.

Present: Councillor David Garside (Chairman), Councillors Dave Banks and Anita Walker.

Officers Present: Michael Hawkins, Charlotte Knowles, Kellie Mackenzie and Samantha Potts.

Also In Attendance: 20 East Street application: Mr Celik (applicant), Mrs Adgie, Mr Belcher, C Burgess, Mr Burke, Mr Chowallader, Miss Greenhalgh, Mrs Horden and Mr Page (objectors). Layzells Tavern Club application: Mr and Mrs Layzell (applicants), Miss Barnes, Mr and Mrs Borkowski, Mrs Flegg, Mr and Mrs Newman, Mrs Render, Mr and Mrs Salter and Ms Thompson (objectors).


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. He then outlined the procedure that would be followed.


part b minutes for information


application for a new premises licence under the licensing act 2003 – 20 east street, sittingbourne

Mr Celik, owner of 20 East Street, raised concern that his English was not good and he had not realised it would be such a formal meeting otherwise he would have brought his solicitor. The Chairman asked Mr Celik if he wished the meeting to be deferred but Mr Celik advised he was happy to continue.

Mr Celik stated that the application was for provision of late night refreshments.

Mr John Burke, representing residents and commercial occupiers of premises in East Street, advised that local residents were concerned that extension of the existing times would increase anti-social behaviour, which was already a problem in the location. Residents were also concerned that the shop entrance was not cleaned or cleared of rubbish by the applicant and Mr Burke requested a bin be located outside the premises by the applicant. He also queried where the rubbish from the premises was being taken. Mr Burke reported that the applicant had shown no consideration towards residents and other commercial premises occupiers in respect of recent late night building works. He also claimed the applicant already remained open until 24:00 hours. Mr Burke considered the applicant was unaware of the distinction between licensing permission and planning permission.

The Senior Solicitor advised that the Licensing Sub-Committee could not have regard to planning issues, and that the applicant had been made aware of the need to obtain planning permission.

Mr Page, Licensee of The Ship Inn Public House, East Street, considered the application would increase public disorder in East Street. He advised that customers to takeaways in East Street were mainly young people and fights, screaming and shouting occurred until the early hours of the morning. This occasionally led to structural damage to establishments in East Street. He requested that the opening hours be restricted to 24:00 hours.

Mrs Horden, representing the residents of Riverbourne Court, advised that their main concern was vermin, which they considered was a direct result of the applicant not disposing of his rubbish properly. They were also concerned that as there was no seating being provided at the rear of 20 East Street, customers would be inclined to use the seating area outside Riverbourne Court.

The applicant confirmed that he was currently experiencing problems disposing of his rubbish but was hopeful that this would soon be resolved. He also drew attention to the fact that there were other pubs, restaurants and take-aways in East Street, and felt it unfair to claim that his establishment was the cause of anti-social behaviour in the area.

The Chairman asked the applicant whether he accepted the Police conditions imposed. The applicant advised that he would do his best to comply with the Police conditions.

The Licensing Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 10:30 am. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and the Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 10:45 am, when the Sub-Committee re-convened.

The Chairman reminded the applicant that the License would not come into effect until he had gained planning permission.

The Chairman advised local objectors that they could request a review of the licence if they considered it was not being adhered to.

In respect of installation of a litter bin outside the property, discussions ensued, and the applicant agreed to install a litter bin in the recessed area outside his frontage.


(1) That in respect of the New Premises Licence for 20 East Street, Sittingbourne, the Sub-Committee’s decision is attached as Appendix 1:

Late Night Refreshments: Monday – Wednesday 23:00-24:00
Thursday 23:00-24:00
Friday-Sunday 23:00-24:00

Premises to be open to the public: Monday – Wednesday 15:00-24:00
Thursday 15:00-24:00
Friday-Sunday 15:00-24:00
Special conditions include:

(i) CCTV to be fitted to a standard agreed to by the Police that complies with the CCTV Code of Practice (2008 edition) produced by the Information Commissioners Office, with the entire premises including bar, lockers etc. to be monitored by CCTV (excluding toilets used solely as such).
(ii) The CCTV system will be maintained and serviced on a regular basis and records kept to that effect.
(iii) CCTV shall be operational at all times that members of the public and/or staff are on the premises.
(iv) Images will be retained for a period of at least one calendar month by whatever means the licence holder deems appropriate.
(v) The Police or Local Authority will have access to these images at any reasonable time and in any case within 48 hours of the request for the image being made.
(vi) The Police or Local Authority will be allowed to take a recording by way of tape, CD Rom or any other means of the image within 48 hours on the initial request being made by either the Police or Local Authority.
(vii) Staff will be fully trained in the CCTV system and there will be at least one member of staff on duty during trading hours who is able to provide a recording of any incident at the request of the Police or Local Authority.
(viii) A logbook will be kept detailing all incidents that occur at the premises. This will be a bound book which will detail the following:-
The day, date and time of the incident.
The member of staff making the entry.
All members of staff involved in the incident.
An account of the incident.
Details of any persons injured and the injuries sustained.
Any other details thought relevant.
(ix) A representative of the premises licence holder will actively participate in the Swale Safe radio system (with the permission of the Board of Directors of Swale Safe) and will also be a participating member of the regular meetings associated with Swale Safe, attending all meetings in person or sending an appropriate representative. This person would normally be the Premises Licence Holder.
(x) A reasonable person at the premises will monitor the Swale Safe radio at all times that the premises are trading.
(xi) At all times after 23:00 hours no less than 2 members of staff, one of which will be a person accountable for the business and empowered to act on behalf of the owner/manager, will be present on the premises.
(xii) All staff will be fully trained in their responsibilities under the Licensing Act and the training will be fully auditable and available to any responsible authority on request.
(xiii) No drinking of alcohol is to be allowed on the premises at anytime.
(xiv) All soft drinks sold/supplied from these premises MUST be either in cans or plastic bottles.
(xv) Installation of a litter bin in the recess area outside the front of the premises.


application to vary premises licence under the licensing act 2003 – layzells tavern club, broadway, minster, isle of sheppey

Mr Layzell, the Applicant, presented his case. He explained that there was some confusion in respect of the adult entertainment use requested, largely caused by inaccurate press coverage. He explained that the facilities for dancing would include entertainment of an adult nature. Layzells was used as a venue for hen and stagg parties, and strippers were often requested as part of the entertainment. He confirmed however, that there were no plans for ‘exotic’ dancers on a regular basis. With regard to the application for a burger van on the car park, Mr Layzell explained that this had been requested by customers and would be situated in the first parking bay in front of the entrance of the Club, where it could be monitored by door staff. He confirmed that only customers would have access to the burger van.

Mr Salter, from the Minster Park Residents’ Association raised concern that the applicant had not written to local residents informing them of his plans.

Ms Thompson, Minster Park Residents Association, explained that most residents of Minster Park understood the applicant had a business to run but were concerned that excessive noise from the club was becoming a problem for local residents and felt complaints to the applicants were being ignored. Residents were also opposed to the provision of a burger van, which they felt would cause litter and odour problems. Ms Thompson stated a further objection to the burger van was that half the car park was designated to local residents and if the club was busy they were unable to park.

In response to a query, the applicant explained that they considered the burger van would be the easiest option, as their current kitchen facilities were unsuitable and due to financial constraints they were unable to improve facilities. A further issue if food was prepared inside would be re-siting of the bins.

In response to a query from a Member the applicant confirmed all Police conditions would be adhered to and most requests were already in place.

Mrs Rendor, a local resident, complained that she was regularly disturbed in the early hours of the morning by music emanating from Layzells, and requested a noise limiter be introduced to help solve the problem.

The Licensing Officer reported that unfortunately when the premises had its public entertainment inspection it was deemed unsuitable for a noise limiter to be installed. She explained that this was due to the height of the ceilings and the positioning of the rooms, which she had been advised would not allow the limiter to give adequate readings.

The Chairman drew attention to the condition recommended by Environmental Services requesting that doors and windows remain closed when regulated entertainment was taking place.

The Licensing Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 11:20 am. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 11:44 am, when the Sub-Committee reconvened.

The Chairman reported that both the application for a burger van and the proposed alteration to the condition relating to children on the premises were refused.

The Chairman advised that the condition requested by Environmental Services in respect of closure of all doors and windows was not part of the existing licence. He requested that if the applicant was in agreement this be amended to cover the existing licence. The applicant raised no objection to this.

Members also recommended the installation of automated closing devices on the rear fire doors, which the applicant agreed to install.

Members also suggested communication between the Club and local residents be improved.


(1) That in respect of the application to Vary the Premises Licence at Layzells Tavern Club, Minster, Isle of Sheppey, the Sub-Committee’s decision is attached as Appendix 1:

Provision of Plays: Friday-Sunday 09:00-23:00
Provision of Boxing/Wrestling: Thursday-Sunday 18:00-24:00
Performance of Dance: Tuesday-Sunday 12:00-24:00
Facilities for Making Music: Monday-Thursday 17:00-24:00
Friday 17:00-02:00
Saturday 11:30-02:00
Sunday 12:00-24:00
Facilities for Dancing: Monday – Thursday 17:00-24:00
Friday 17:00-02:00
Saturday 11:30-02:00
Sunday 12:00-24:00

Special conditions include:-

(i) Accompanied children only, to be allowed on the premises, until 23:00 hrs.
(ii) Occupancy limit of 300 applies.
(iii) No sale of alcohol can take place where the designated premises supervisor is not a personal licence holder.
(iv) Any door supervisors must be trained and SIA registered.
(v) CCTV to be fitted to a standard agreed to by the Police that complies with The CCTV Code of Practice (2008 edition) produced by the Information Commissioner’s Office, with the entire premises including bar, lockers etc. to be monitored by CCTV (excluding toilets used solely as such).
(vi) The CCTV system will be maintained and serviced on a regular basis and records kept to that effect.
(vii) CCTV shall be operational at all times that members of the public and/or staff are on the premises.
(viii) Images will be retained for a period of at least one calendar month by whatever means the licence holder deems appropriate.
(ix) The Police or Local Authority will have access to these images at any reasonable time and in any case within 48 hours of the request for the image being made.
(x) The Police or Local Authority will be allowed to take a recording by way of tape, CD Rom or any other means of the image within 48 hours on the initial request being made by either the Police or Local Authority.
(xi) Staff will be fully trained in the CCTV system and there will be at least one member of staff on duty during trading hours who is able to provide a recording of any incident at the request of the Police or Local Authority.
(xii) A minimum of 2 door supervisors will be employed at the premises from 2200 hours on a Friday and Saturday, Christmas Eve and New Years Eve until close of trading.
(xiv) All security staff will wear a reflective jacket, tabard or armband.
(xv) All security staff will display their name badges by way of a reflective armband.
(xvi) A logbook will be kept detailing all incidents that occur at the premises. This will be a bound book which will detail the following:-
The day, date and time of the incident.
The member of staff making the entry.
All members of staff involved in the incident.
An account of the incident.
Details of any persons injured and the injuries sustained.
Any other details thought relevant.
(xvii) A register will be kept of all security staff working at the premises for every time that the premises are open for trading. This register will be a bound book and it will contain the following information:-
Day and date of entry.
Time that member of security staff starts and finishes work.
Full name.
SIA registration number.
Signature of the member of security staff.
(xvii) A drugs policy will be produced by the premises licence holder and agreed with the Police.
(xix) Regular checks will be made in the toilets in order to discourage drug use within them. These checks will be a minimum of every 20 minutes during trading hours and will be logged.
(xx) Access will be given at all reasonable times to the Police in order for swabs to be taken for the Ion Track Drug Testing machine.
(xxi) Police will be permitted to use the Ion Track Drug Testing machine as a condition of entry at all reasonable times during trading hours.
(xxii) Drinks promotions will not be permitted allowing unlimited supply of alcohol for a set price.
(xxiii) A representative of the premises licence holder will actively participate in the Swale Safe radio system (with the permission of the Board of Directors of Swale Safe) and will also be a participating member of the regular meetings associated with Swale Safe, attending all meetings in person or sending an appropriate representative. This person would normally be the Designated Premises Supervisor.
(xxiv) A responsible person at the premises will monitor the Swale Safe radio at all times that the premises are trading.
(xxv) All staff will be fully trained in their responsibilities under the Licensing Act and the training will be fully auditable and available to any responsible authority on request.
(xxvi) No persons under the age of 18 years will be allowed on the premises after 2300 hours unless attending a private pre-booked function or event.
(xxvii) All staff will be fully trained in ‘Challenge 21’ and the training will be fully auditable and available to any responsible authority on request.
(xxviii) Notices to advise customers that ‘Challenge 21’ is in force will be prominently displayed in all areas.
(xxix) The only proof of age that will be accepted will be a Passport, photographic driving licence or an accredited ‘PASS’ marked proof of age card.
(xxx) No persons under 18 years of age to be on any part of the premises that is being used for the provision of adult entertainment.
(xxxi) The windows of the premises, or part of the premises, are to be obscured preventing dancing or any nudity or partial nudity to be visible from outside of the premises.
(xxxii) No photography or videoing to be permitted on the premises when adult entertainment is taking place.
(xxxiii) Only dancers engaged by the premises management are to perform striptease or erotic dance.
(xxxiv) Erotic dancing only to be performed in designated areas.
(xxxv) There will be no performance of striptease or erotic dance at the bar.
(xxxvi) Dancers shall keep their genital areas covered by an opaque article of clothing at all times.
(xxxvii) No physical contact with other dancers during erotic dancing.
(xxxvii) No physical contact by erotic dancers with customers or other staff during the dance.
(xix) Dancers to remain standing while performing.
(xl) Dancers to re-dress at the conclusion of dance.
(xli) Dancers are not permitted to arrange contacts or liaisons, exchange telephone numbers or other means of making contact with customers while on the premises.
(xlii) Customers must remain fully clothed during the performance, are not permitted to touch dancers, nor to participate in any performance or performance of dance.
(xliii) While any form of adult dancing is taking place, the dance area must be physically monitored and supervised by at least one SIA licensed member of staff.
(xliv) A conspicuous sign is to be displayed prominently at all entrances to the Area(s) of the premises being used for adult entertainment whenever it is taken place stating, “No person under 18 will be admitted or permitted to remain in this area.”
(xlv) No erotic dancers to be under 18 years of age.
(xlvi) DPS to check documents regarding proof of age and eligibility to work in the UK and retain photocopies in employment files. Employment files to include full facial photograph of all dancers.
(xlvii) Doors and windows to remain closed (except for access and egress) when regulated entertainment is taking place.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting

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