Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Thursday, 17 January 2008

Notice of Meeting, Summons and Agenda

M E H RADFORD - Corporate Services Director
Date Published: 07 January 2008

A meeting of the Swale Rural Forum will be held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Thursday 17 January 2008 at 7:00pm.

Members: Councillor John Disney (Chairman), Councillor Sandra Garside (Vice Chairman), Councillors Richard Barnicott, George Bobbin, Monique Bonney, Andrew Bowles, Nicholas Hampshire, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, John Morris, Colin Prescott, Patricia Sandle, Ben Stokes and John Wright.

Quorum = 5


Kent County Council - Councillor Keith Ferrin, Mrs N Kemp (Rural Policy Officer) and Mr S Gibbons (Head of Rural Regeneration)
Kent Association of Parish Councils (KAPC) - Councillors Baldock, Bowen and Robinson                                                                                   Swale National Farmers Union (NFU) - Mr Kevin Attwood, Robert Hinge and Jeff Holroyd
Diocese of Canterbury - Reverend Caroline Pinchbeck
Swale Tourism Association - Mr Paul Cumberland and Miss Lyn Newton
Action for Communities in Rural Kent - Mr Keith Harrison

public speaking

The Chairman, at his discretion, will allow Members of the public to speak on any item on the Agenda.

apologies for absence and confirmation of substitutes



Report for Item 2 - 433

To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th August 2007 (Minute Nos. 329 - 336) as a correct record.

declarations of interest

Members who have an interest to declare must declare the existence and nature of it at the start of the meeting.

Members are reminded that even if an interest has been declared in the Members Interests Register, it should still be disclosed at each meeting.  Members are encouraged to seek advice in advance of the meeting if in any doubt. 

part b decisions to be taken under delegated powers


appointment of a representative to sit on the swale rural forum

To agree to the appointment of a representative, from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, to sit on the Swale Rural Forum.

greening the gateway kent and medway

To receive a presentation from Martin Hall, Director of Greening the Gateway Kent and Medway.

update on bids going forward for leader funding from kent

Report for Item 6

To receive an update as requested at the meeting on 9th August 2007.

national fruit collections

To receive a verbal update on the National Fruit Collections.

urgent: local government association rural commission and annual rural conference

Report for Item 7

To receive a report from Councillor Brenda Hammond on the LGA Rural Commission and Annual Rural Conference.  (Report uploaded 8.1.08).

View the Minutes from this meeting