Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Thursday, 14 April 2011

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Committee Room, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Thursday 14th April 2011 from 10:00 am to 10:41 am.

Present: Councillor Alan Willicombe (Chairman) Councillors Lesley Ingham and Jean Willicombe.

Officers Present: Kellie Mackenzie, Samantha Potts and Donna Price.

Also In Attendance: Geoff Rowley (Police Licensing Officer), Mr Mohammed Akram Rana (representing the applicant), Mr Veeravagiu Vaaheesan (Solicitor), Mr M Geretheran, Mrs A Geretheran, Mr T Prusothaman (applicants) and Mr Patel.


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. He then outlined the procedure that would be followed.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


application for transfer of premises licence and change of designated premises supervisor

The Chairman introduced the report which provided details of two applications to transfer the premises licence and change the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) at Premier, 27 Halfway Road, Minster.

Mr Akram Rana, the applicant's legal representative, advised that Mrs Geretheran wished to withdraw her applications. He explained that instead they would like the Committee to consider an application to transfer the premises licence holder and change the DPS to Mr Prusothaman.

At 10:08 am the Committee adjourned to consider Mr Akram Rana's proposal. The Committee returned at 10:13 am.

The Chairman advised that they accepted the withdrawal of Mrs Geretheran's application, and were happy to consider the application from Mr Prusothaman.

Mr Akram Rana circulated details of Mr Prusothaman's application and stated that they were happy for the conditions proposed by the Police to be imposed.

Mr Rowley (Kent Police) outlined their objections with regard to Mrs Geretheran's application. He drew attention to an incident at her premises in Thanet which had resulted in her licence being revoked. He stated that he did not consider she was a fit and proper person to have a licence.

Mr Rowley, stated that he had no objections to the application from Mr Prusothaman, as long as he had no association with Mrs Geretheran. Mr Rowley raised concerns that the premises was within an area where anti-social behaviour was a problem and it was therefore extremely important to ensure the appointment of a proper and fit DPS.

In response to queries Mr Prusothaman confirmed that he had no association with Mrs Geretheran. He advised that he had two years experience working in an off-licence and had been a premises licence holder for five months.

In response to concerns from a Member, Mrs Geretheran agreed that she would have no input with the business other than that of a financial nature.

The Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 10:25 am. Members of the Sub-Committee, Assistant Solicitor and Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 10:40 to make their decision.


(1) In respect of the transfer of the Premises Licence at Premier, 27 Halfway Road, Minster the Sub-Committee's decision is attached as Appendix 1:

That the roles of premises licence holder and Designated Premises Supervisor be transferred to Mr Thanabalasingham Prusothaman.

That the following conditions be applied:
(1) A CCTV system will be installed, or the existing system maintained, such system to be fit for the purpose.
(2) The CCTV system shall be capable of producing immediate copies of recordings on site. Copies of recordings will either be recorded on good quality videotape or digitally onto CD/DVD or other equivalent medium.
(3) Any recording shall be retained and stored in a suitable and secure manner for a minimum of 28 days and shall be available, subject to compliance with the Data Protection legislation, to the Police or Officers of the Licensing Authority on request.
(4) The CCTV system will incorporate a camera covering the entrance door and the alcohol display areas and will be capable of providing an image which is regarded as identification standard. The precise positions of the cameras may be agreed, subject to compliance with Data Protection legislation, with Police from time to time.
(5) The system will display, on any recording, the correct time and date of the recording.
(6) A system will be in place to maintain the quality of the recorded image and a complete audit trail maintained.
(7) The CCTV system will be maintained so as to be fully operational throughout the hours that the premises are open for any licensable activity.
(8) Appropriate signage informing customers CCTV is in operation to be displayed in store.
(9) Appropriate signage informing customers that they may be asked to produce specific proof of age identification if attempting to purchase alcohol.
(10) A challenge 25 policy will be in force.
(11) A refusal book will be kept detailing times and date of any refusal and will be updated on a daily basis. It will be produced on request to the licensing officer or Police Officer.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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