Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 13 September 2005

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Tuesday 13th September 2005 from 10:30am 1.10pm.

Present: Councillor Adrian Crowther (Chairman), Councillors Barnicott and Bobbin.

Officers Present: Misses Davies and Waltham and Mesdames Honey and Potts and Messrs Hawkins, Seaward and Tucker.

Also In Attendance: Miss Vine, Mesdames Costen, Latham, Matson, Neale and Wyver and Messrs Bryant, Costen, Foster, Howard, Matson, C Mobbs, M Mobbs, Neale, J Rook, M Rook, Wilson and Wyver.

Apologies: No apologies.


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Adrian Crowther be elected Chairman for this meeting.

part b minutes for information


application to vary premises licence under the licensing act 2003 – old house at home public house, hight street, queenborough

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers. He explained that the Sub-Committee would consider three applications in turn and explained the procedure that would be followed.

Mr Foster, the Agent, presented the case for the applicant, Miss Vine. He explained that Miss Vine was an experienced landlady of the Old House at Home and that the pub attracted a broad age range though the majority of customers were over 25 years of age. He also explained that Miss Vine had been the Licensee for one year and lived in the flat above the premises. He informed Members that the application was for indoor live music between the hours of four and eight on Sunday afternoons. He reported that Environmental Health and the Police had no concerns towards the application, which he considered to be a moderate one. He reported that the management of the pub was good and the staff were well trained.

Mr Foster referred to the Licensing Act and expressed the opinion that this application was in accordance with the objectives of the Act. He made reference to the objections, reporting that no direct complaints had been made to either the Licensee or Greene King.

In response to a question from an objector, Mr Foster replied that he had not visited the pub and had no personal experience of it and that he was acting as a representative following instructions from the local Area Manager.

In response to further questions Mr Foster reported that the pub was not likely to attract young people; the majority of clientele being locals and nothing was going to drastically change. He further added that Environmental Health had shown concern regarding outside music, consequently they had amended their application accordingly for inside music only.

Mr Wyver of High Street, Queenborough, spoke on behalf of the objectors. He emphasised that his objections were not personal as he had been to the pub himself and had wished the status quo to continue. He reported that he was conscious of the effect that new licensing laws had on the community and was glad that the application had been amended. He stressed that the objectors were not against late night opening but against the behaviour that resulted from this and emphasised that the situation needed to be monitored.

Mr Wyver made reference to certain dates when music had been heard after midnight; and highlighted problems of banging doors, loud noises, bottles and glasses in the gutter and discarded on window sills and in gardens. He reported that revellers often blocked thoroughfares and intimidated residents and visitors alike. Due to the loud outdoor live music residents had been forced on occasions to leave their houses, dogs had become agitated and children were unable to sleep. He reported cases of urinating and vomiting on the streets, and noted children and dogs were often left outside the pub resulting in lots of shouting and screaming.

Mr Wyver concluded that Queenborough often had overseas visitors and he wanted them to receive the right image of the area, not a tarnished one.

The Chairman then invited local residents to make comments.
The Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 11.20 a.m. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and the Democratic Services Officers left the meeting and returned at 11.31 a.m. when the Sub-Committee reconvened. The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee had given weight to all parties in reaching a decision. The Chairman also reminded those present that the application could be subject to a Section 51 Review in the future.


(1) That in respect of the Premises Variation Act the Old House at Home Public House, High Street, Queenborough the Sub-Committee's decision is attached as Appendix 1.

Alcohol Sales: Monday to Thursday 1100 to 0000 hours, Friday and Saturday 1100 to 0100, Sunday 1100 to 0000.

Provision of live music (duets, jazz, guitar) Sunday 1600 to 2000.

That no live music be permitted outdoors.

That only one live music event be permitted each week.

Premises to close 30 minutes after sale of alcohol finishes.


application to vary premises licence under the licensing act 2003 – club 2uk, clocktower crescent, sheerness

In response to a tabled letter from the applicant's solicitors this application was adjourned for seven weeks pending more information and modifications to the application.


application to vary premises licence under the licensing act 2003 – the shire public house, canterbury road, sittingbourne

The Chairman drew Members attention to a tabled letter from the Applicant, who was not able to attend the meeting.

Mr M Rook, presented the case for the Applicant, Mr John Rook. He briefly explained that the application was for extra licensing hours for the sale of alcohol and that the indoor sports included pool and darts.

Mr Neale, a representative from the Neighbourhood Watch Group, spoke on behalf of the objectors. He highlighted several concerns including intimidation, lack of sleep and blighted property. He reported that there had been 17 letters of objection and that the locals had experienced many problems related to The Shire over the last five years. He also reported that the Police had been requested to attend in the last two years, during Mr Rooks time as Licensee.

A Ward Member spoke in objection to the application. He explained that this was a densely populated area and voiced concerns regarding the loud music.

The Chairman then invited local residents to make comments.

Members and Officers further discussed the application and made reference to noise limiters and that 170 complaints had been received regarding this application.

The Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 12.36 p.m. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and the Democratic Services Officers left the meeting and returned at 1.00 p.m. when the Sub-Committee reconvened. The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee had given weight to all parties in reaching a decision. After advising of the Sub-Committee's decision, the Chairman reminded those present that the application could be subject to a Section 51 Review in future.


(1) That in respect of The Shire Horse Public House, Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne the Sub-Committee's decision is attached as Appendix 2. Alcohol Sales: Monday to Thursday 1100 to 2330, Friday and Saturday 1100 to 0000, Sunday 1200 to 2300.

Bank Holidays/Saints Days 1100 to 0100 hours, Good Friday 1200 to 2230, Christmas Eve and Boxing Day 1100 to 0100 hours, with no public access to the premises permitted from 0000, New Years Eve 1100 to 0000, New Years Day and Christmas Day 1200 to 1500 and 1900 to 2230.

Regulated entertainment to include live music, disco, karaoke, films, indoor sports and dancing: Monday to Thursday 1100 to 2300 hours, Friday and Saturday 1100 to 0000 hours, Sunday 1100 to 2300 hours.

Good Friday 1200 to 2230 hours, New Years Eve 1100 to 0000, New Years Day, Bank Holidays, Christmas Eve and Boxing Day 1100 to 0000, Christmas Day 1200 to 1500 and 1900 to 2230.

Late Night Refreshments: Monday to Sunday 2300 to close.

Live music restricted to once a week. Doors and windows are to be closed during all live music/disco/karaoke.

That the noise limiter remain in operation.

Premises to close 30 minutes after sale of alcohol finishes.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting

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