Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 12th November 2008 from 10:00 am to 10:47 am.

Present: Councillor Dave Banks (Chairman), Councillors Simon Clark and John Morris.

Officers Present: Michael Hawkins, Clare Langfield, Kellie Mackenzie and Samantha Potts.

Also In Attendance: Mr Cushion (Agent), Mr Farma (Supporter), Mr Marc Ward (Applicant) and Mrs Forsyth (local resident).


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. He explained that the Sub-Committee would consider one application then outlined the procedure that would be followed.


declarations of interest

No interest were declared.


part b minutes for information


application for a new premises licence under the licensing act 2003 – court street house, court street, faversham

Mr Cushion, the Agent, explained that Ask Restaurants Limited were part of the Gondola Group which also operated the PizzaExpress and Zizzi brands. He advised that it was their intention to establish a restaurant along the same lines as nearly 600 other restaurants they currently operated around the country. He reported that they were sympathetic to local concerns and had a good record in establishing good relationships with residents living adjacent to their premises.

Mrs Forsyth, a local resident, raised the following concerns: the application would result in an increase in anti-social behaviour, already a serious problem in the area; the application would cause an increase in general noise levels; requested a better understanding of the Gondola Group’s corporate responsibilities and raised objection to the supply of alcohol, off the premises. Mrs Forsyth drew attention to the map attached to the report and highlighted all residential properties close to the proposed restaurant.

Mr Ward, the Applicant, explained that the proposed supply of alcohol “off premises”, was purely to enable customers to take any unfinished wine and/or extra wine home. He considered that the type of persons often responsible for anti-social behaviour were unlikely to want to pay restaurant prices for alcohol.

A Member, who was also a Member of the Planning Committee, recollected that when the application was granted permission it was agreed that the front door to the premises would be blocked and access would be through a side porch. The applicant was unsure if this was the case but agreed to check.

In response to a question from a Member, the applicant advised that as the restaurant was “no smoking” any smokers would have to sit in the courtyard area to the rear of the premises.

Mrs Forsyth asked the applicants to consider the following: that the courtyard area should be free of customers after 23:00 hours to avoid noise; all doors and windows to remain closed and a sign be erected above the entrance door requesting that all customers leave quietly and respect the amenity of local residents. The applicant advised they were happy for all of these requests to be conditions of the Licence. He also agreed to pass management contact details to local residents to ensure good communications were established.

The Licensing Committee adjourned to make their decision at 10:28 am. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and the Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 10:45 am, when the Sub-Committee re-convened.


(1) In respect of the New Premises Licence for Ask Restaurant, Court Street House, Court Street, Faversham the Sub-Committee’s decision is attached as Appendix 1:

Supply of alcohol
(On and off the premises) Monday – Sunday 11:00 - 24:00
New Years Eve 11:00 - 11:00 (next day)

Recorded Background music Monday – Sunday 11:00 - 24:30
New Years Eve 11:00 – 11:00 (next day)

Late Night Refreshments Monday – Sunday 23:00 – 24:30
New Years Eve 23:00 – 05:00 (next day)

Premises to be open to the public Monday – Sunday 11:00 – 24:30
New Years Eve 11:00 – 11:00 (next day)

Special conditions include:

The garden will not be used for licensable activities after 23:00 hours.
All doors and windows to be closed after 23:00 hours.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting

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