Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 11 November 2013

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at Vigo Farm, Vigo Lane, Bredgar on Monday 11 November 2013 from 10:13 am to 10:35 am.

Present: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Sylvia Bennett, Andy Booth, June Garrad, Mike Henderson, Peter Marchington, Pat Sandle, Ben Stokes and Tony Winckless.

Officers Present: Peter Bell, Joanne Hammond, Gianni Simone and Graham Thomas.

Also In Attendance: Councillor Monique Bonney (Ward Member), Mr Day (Agent), Ms Hickman, Mr Kite and Mr Priestley (Bredgar Parish Council), Mr Mair (Agent for The William Barrows Charity), Mrs Scott, Mr Batt and Mr Jefferiss (Trustees of The William Barrows Charity), Mr Suddick and Mr Mair and Mr Hinge (local residents).

Apologies: Councillors Bobbin and Ghlin Whelan.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


sw/13/0872 - vigo farm, vigo lane, bredgar

The Area Planning Officer reported that the application was for the replacement of a two storey detached dwelling and the creation of a new vehicular access at Vigo Farm, Bredgar. He outlined the proposal for the new energy efficient modern dwelling, as set out in the report, and advised that the site was situated on a narrow rural lane in the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The Area Planning Officer reported that Bredgar Parish Council had objected to the application, stating that the building should be considered as a non designated heritage asset and that the current building was capable of being upgraded. He also advised that the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Unit had strong reservations regarding the application and summarised their comments, as set out in the report. The Ward Councillor for Bredgar had objected to the application, and the Ward Councillor for Borden supported the application. Two letters of support had been received from local residents.

The Area Planning Officer referred to the relevant policies of the Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 and guidance from the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which confirmed that AONBs were equivalent to National Parks in terms of having the highest level of protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty. He considered that the existing property was a good example of an agricultural workers dwelling and was typical of such within the area and AONB, and should be considered as a non designated heritage asset. The proposed design conflicted with the character of the AONB and it would have a negative impact on the area. He therefore recommended refusal of the planning permission.

Mr Day, the Agent, spoke in support of the application. He considered that Stiff Street Farm was the main building in view from the surrounding area, and this property was only partially visible at certain times. The existing property was not fit for purpose and there was not a high level of decoration in the interior rooms. He advised that the NPPF did not prohibit replacement buildings and the proposed dwelling would be located in a similar position, with courtyard buildings used for parking. The issue regarding vehicular access to the site had not been raised at the pre-application stage, and he considered that the design of the access could be altered if needed. The proposed dwelling had been designed in-keeping with the Kentish vernacular, using materials that reflected the area and site. The proposed dwelling would result in significant improvements to the energy efficiency of the building, which could not be achieved by upgrading the existing property.

Members of Bredgar Parish Council made the following comments: the existing property was part of a grouping of buildings with the neighbouring Stiff Street Farm and was visible in the landscape; the property represented a sound and humble farmer's cottage and these buildings needed to be protected; why was the proposed dwelling so large?; the proposal was out of character for the area; the existing property could be brought back to a liveable standard; and it was a beautiful building that should be kept for the future.

Trustees of The William Barrows Charity made the following comments: the proposed dwelling was a wonderful design and would create an iconic building; the Council needed to be brave enough to agree the proposal; the proposed dwelling would be dramatic; and it would be a positive move forward.

The Ward Councillor for Bredgar considered that the proposal needed to be viewed in the context of the AONB setting and the heritage of the existing property. The existing property was visible from the surrounding area and had an interesting outbuilding, which should be retained. She considered that the proposal was a step too far.

Mr Mair spoke as Agent for The William Barrows Charity. He advised that the Charity had been in existence for over 300 years and they owned approximately 21 units in Swale. He considered that the new proposal would meet the energy performance measures being imposed. If the proposal was refused then it was likely that many features of the existing property would have to be altered to make the property more energy efficient and fit-for-purpose.

Mr Hinge spoke on behalf of his father, who was the tenant of the existing property. He explained that the house was impractical for their needs, parking was essential, and there was over 200 years' difference between the age of this property and the buildings at Stiff Street Farm.

Mr Mair spoke as the owner of Stiff Street Farm and advised that he supported the application as the existing property was in need of improvement.

The Conservation Officer advised that there was no obligation for existing properties to upgrade to current energy efficiency standards. He considered that the existing dwelling was a building of character and quality and it was capable of rehabilitation. He referred to the materials on the existing property, including the Kent peg roof tiles, which he considered were indigenous to the character of the building. He considered that it would be possible to create a desirable and modern residence without compromising the character of the existing building.

Members then toured the existing property and application site with officers.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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