Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Tuesday 10th November 2009 from 10:30 am to 12:01 pm.

Present: Councillors Harrison (Chairman), Lesley Ingham and Anita Walker.

Officers Present: Michael Hawkins, Clare Thornby, David Ledger, Ian Mackenzie and Kellie Mackenzie.

Also In Attendance: Alison Anderson (Licensing Consultant), Steve Cross (Applicant), James Rankin (Applicant's Counsel), Geoff Rowley and Kevin Swinney (Kent Police) and Lana Tricker (Applicant's Solicitor).


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. She then outlined the procedure that would be followed.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


application by masoj leisure limited for a new premises licence under the licensing act 2003 - the old cinema, high street, sittingbourne

Mr Rankin, the client's representative, presented the case on behalf of the applicant, which sought a new premise's licence for licensable activities ranging from the provision of regulated entertainment, late night refreshments and supply of alcohol, seven nights a week from 10am to 5am and close at 6am.

Mr Rankin drew attention to the tabled letter from LT Law Solicitors which provided details of staffing for the premises and a final version of the proposed conditions to incorporate all the comments made by the Environmental Protection Team. He confirmed that the list had already been circulated to the Police and Mr Ledger of the Environmental Protection Mr Rankin explained that the application would transform the building, which was currently in a very poor state of repair, into a first class nightclub. Mr Rankin advised that an application for planning permission had been refused by the Planning Committee at their meeting on 8th October 2009, despite the application being supported by planning officers and they intended to appeal.

Mr Rankin noted the concerns of SBC's Environmental Protection Team Manager and drew attention to Appendix 9 of their application which outlined details of their Dispersal Policy, which he considered would reduce disturbance from behavioural noise. He considered that if they were granted flexible hours then dispersal should not be an issue.

Mr Rankin advised that with regard to taxi services and local pick-up points, they intended to provide a direct line to two dedicated taxi firms for customers leaving the premises late in the evening. Mr Rankin noted the problems experienced in Bell Road when JJ's night club was open in the Bell Centre, but stated geographically the cinema was away from residential areas. Mr Rankin circulated plans of the proposal and outlined the internal layout of the proposed nightclub.

Mr Rankin reported that the Police had no objections to the proposals. He provided the Committee with a schedule of 53 agreed conditions (with a reservation concerning condition 35). He further reported that drinks would be sensibly priced and the General Manager would play an active part in the local Pubwatch Scheme and the Swale Safe Scheme. They also intended to operate the 'Club Scan' scheme after 11pm.

In response to questions, Alison Anderson the applicant's Licensing Consultant outlined the disabled access for the proposal and advised that disabled toilets would be provided. She confirmed that the 'Club Scan' photo scheme proposed was recognised by the Police and Home Office approved.

The Chairman then invited Mr Cross, to speak for the applicant. Mr Cross stated that Sittingbourne desperately needed a leisure facility and that the nightclub would be a London style club and unlike anything currently on offer in Kent. He hoped to attract customers from out of the area.

In response to a query from a Member, Lana Tricker, the applicant's Solicitor stated that Mr Cross had entered into a conditional contract to acquire the existing leasehold interest which allowed occupancy until 31st July 2023, and was seeking a Reversionary Lease to confirm occupancy after that date.

The Chairman then invited Mr Ledger, the Council's Environmental Protection Team to speak. Mr Ledger drew attention to his tabled memorandum and outlined his main reasons for objecting to the application: potential disturbance to properties in East Street and Bell Road; customers would drop-off in East Street and Bell Road and this could not be regulated; security staff to police the open area (between the Funeral directors and Riverbourne Court) had not been considered. Mr Ledger concluded that he was unhappy with the proposed hours which would give no respite to nearby residents for seven days a week all through the year.

The Chairman then invited Inspector Swinney (Kent Police), to speak. Inspector Swinney stated that with regards to the Club itself, they had no concerns. However they did have some concern in relation to potential disturbance and traffic issues when the premises closed.

The Chairman then invited Ian Mackenzie (Hackney Carriage Inspector) to speak. Mr Mackenzie stated that there were 100 taxis currently operating in Swale and only allowing two companies to operate from the site may cause problems. He suggested that to help take noise further away from residential areas, the applicants may wish to consider approaching Swale Borough Council to enquire whether they would allow their staff car park at the junction of St Michael’s Road and Crown Quay Lane to be used for taxis serving the licensed premises. He stated however, that such a scheme would need to be marshalled.

Mr Rankin welcomed the suggestion of using the staff car park. With regard to securing staff policing the open area (between the Funeral directors and Riverbourne Court) advised that the Police had stated that the door staff should be retained within the Club.

In response to a question from a Member, Mr Ledger was unaware of any complaints received from residents relating to the ''Life'' Night Club opening hours.

The Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 11:40 am. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Solicitor and the Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 11:58 am, when the meeting re-convened.


(1) In respect of the New Premises Licence for the old cinema, High Street, Sittingbourne the Sub-Committee’s decision is attached as Appendix 1:

Plays - Indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) -10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day

Films-Indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) -10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day

Indoor Sporting events: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00

Boxing or wrestling
Entertainments Indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00 - 02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00 - 05:00 close at 06:00

Live music - Indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00 - 05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day

Recorded music - Indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) -10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day

Performance of dance - Indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) -10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day

Anything of a similar description
to that falling within Live music,
recorded music and performance
of dance (indoors): Sunday -Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00

New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Provision of facilities for
making music - indoors: Sunday - Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday - Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Provision of facilities
for dancing - Indoors: Sunday-Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday-Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Provision of facilities for
entertainment of a similar
description to that falling
within provision of facilities
for making music and
dancing indoors: Sunday-Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday-Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Late Night
Refreshment - Indoors: Sunday-Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday-Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Supply of alcohol -
On the premises: Sunday-Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday-Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Hours premises are
Open to the public: Sunday-Wednesday (except those Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) - 10:00-02:30 close at 03:00
Thursday-Saturday (including Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday) 10:00-05:00 close at 06:00
New Years Eve - New Years Day - From end of hours permitted on NYE to the start of trade on New Years Day.

Special conditions include:
(1) CCTV to be installed and maintained to a standard agreed to by the Police that complies with the CCTV Code of Practice (2008 edition) produced by the Information Commissioners Office, with all public areas, including all access and egress points covered. This is also to include any exit doors, alleyways or any other areas used for the ejection of customers.

(2) The CCTV system shall continually record whilst the premises is open for licensable activities and during all times when customers remain on the premises.

(3) CCTV images will be retained for a period of at least one calendar month by whatever means the licence holder deems appropriate. The Policy and/or Local Authority will have access to the CCTV images at any reasonable time.

(4) The Police and/or Local Authority will be allowed to take a recording (by way of tape, CD Rom or any other means) of the image within 24 hours on the initial request being made by either the Police and/or Local Authority.

(5) Staff will be fully trained in the CCTV system and there will be at least one member of staff on duty during trading hours who is able to provide a recording of any incident at the request of Police and/or Local Authority.

(6) Door supervisors will be employed at the club premises from 21:00 (or if opening to the public after 21:00 from 30 minutes prior to opening to the public) until 30 minutes after the closing of trade.

(7) A minimum of one SIA licensed door staff per 100 customers or part thereof shall be on duty with the premises whilst the premises are in use under the Premises Licence. Additional male and female SIA door staff to be employed on the premises when required on the basis of the operational risk assessment.

(8) All security staff stationed outside the premises shall wear a ‘hi visibility’ jacket/vest or tabard.

(9) All security staff will display their name badges by way of a reflective armband.

(10) From 1am until 30 mins after the premises closes to the public, a minimum of 2 SIA Approved Door Supervisors wearing a high visibility jacket shall provide a presence in the vicinity of the premises. For the purposes of this condition the vicinity of the premises shall be defined as the canopy line at the front of the premises or to the end of any queue that may have formed to enter the premises.

(11) A logbook will be kept detailing all incidents that occur at the premises. This will be a bound book which will detail the following:-

a. the day, date and time of the incident.
b. The member of staff making the entry.
c. All members of staff involved in the incident.
d. An account of the incident.
e. Details of any persons injured and the injuries sustained.
f. Any other details thought relevant.

(12) A register will be kept of all security staff working at the premises for every time that the premises are open for trading. This register will be a bound book and it will contain the following information:-

a. Day and date of entry.
b. Time that member of security staff starts and finishes work.
c. Full name.
d. SIA registration number.
e. Signature of the member of security staff.

(13) A drugs policy shall be implemented, as agreed from time to time with the Police in writing.

(14) A search policy shall be implemented as agreed from time to time with the Police in writing.

(15) Regular checks (a minimum of every 45 minutes, or such other frequency as agreed with the Police from time to time) will be made in the toilets in order to discourage drug use within them. These checks shall be logged.

(16) Access will be given at all reasonable times to the Police in order for swabs to be taken for the Ion Track Drug Testing machine.

(17) Police will be permitted to use the Ion Track Drug Testing machine as a condition of entry at all reasonable times during trading hours.

(18) Drinks promotions will not be permitted allowing unlimited supply of alcohol for a set price.

(19) A representative of the premises licence holder will actively participate in the ‘Swale Safe Radio’ System initiative (or similar) and will (prior to opening) become a member of the Night Time Economy Forum. A representative of the premises licence holder will attend any meetings relating to such initiatives.

(20) A representative of the premises licence holder working at the premises shall monitor the ‘Swale Safe’ radio at all times that the premises are trading.

(21) No open vessels, bottles or other type of container will be allowed outside of the premises.

(22) After 23:00, whenever the premises are open to the public, the premises shall utilise an electronic patron identification facility (such as Clubscan) with the exception of condition (23) below.

(23) Whenever the premises, or part of the premises is open for pre-booked, private or prior-ticketed events, event details shall be kept at reception for inspection by the authorities and the above condition (22) shall not apply in relation to patrons attending such events.

(24) The database of the electronic patron identification facility (including all identification images, attendance reports, patron reports, etc.) shall be made available for Policy interrogation upon reasonable request.

(25) The premises licence holder shall provide and maintain a dedicated telephone number of the Designated Premises Supervisor or the duty manager for use by any person who may wish to make a complaint during the operation of the licence.

(26) A log shall be kept of all complaints which shall be available for inspection by the Licensing Authority or the Police at all times when the premise are open to the public.

(27) Non-intoxicating beverages, including drinking water, shall be available to patrons throughout the permitted hours for the sale or supply of alcohol.

(28) Clearly legible notices shall be prominently displayed at all exit doors from the premises (including fire exits) requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly.

(29) No music or amplified sound shall be generated within the premises so as to give rise to nuisance within neighbouring dwellings.

(30) All music, both live and recorded, generated on the premises must be relayed through a sound limiting device, which must be linked to a graphic equaliser and set at a level which will not give rise to nuisance to neighbouring residents. The limiter unit shall not be overridden or interfered with at any time.

(31) Any queues formed at the premises shall be supervised by door staff aimed at preventing disorder and discouraging anti-social behaviour.

(32) Management shall use its best endeavours to prevent patrons from the venue smoking in front of the venue in the High Street and all patrons wishing to smoke shall be directed by management and security to the internal garden area.

(33) An auditable system will be used to record the number of customers within the premises whenever it is open for trading.

(34) A taxi ordering service for patrons shall be set up prior to the opening of the premises and thereafter maintained and always available for patrons departing after 23:00 (unless otherwise agreed with the Police from time to time).

(35) There shall be no new admission by members of the public to the premises after 02:30 on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sundays followed by a Bank Holiday.

(36) A no re-admission policy shall be implemented at the premises and should patrons seek to be readmitted they shall be subject again to any entry policies set out in these conditions, including any search and drug policies agreed in accordance with conditions (13) and (14) above.

(37) No unaccompanied children shall be permitted in the garden area (as marked on the plans) with the exception of condition (39) below.

(38) No persons under the age of 18 years shall be permitted in the club area at all or the garden area (as marked on the plans) after 21:00 with the exception of condition (39) below.

(39) Notwithstanding conditions (37) and (38) above, the premises may hold:

a) Under 18 events on the condition that on those occasions alcohol shall not be sold or supplied and the details of the event are held at reception for inspection by the Police and Licensing Authority on request.

b) private or pre-booked events to which children are permitted on the condition that details of the event are held at reception for inspection by the Police and Licensing Authority on request.

(40) Any alcohol sold or supplied between 10am and midday, 7 days a week shall be ancillary to food.

(41) All staff will be fully trained in ‘Challenge 25’ and the training will be auditable and available to any responsible authority on reasonable request.

(42) Notices to advise customers that ‘Challenge 25’ is in force will be prominently displayed in the premises.

(43) The only proof of age that will be accepted will be a passport, photographic driving licence or an accredited ‘PASS’ marked proof of age card.

(44) There is nothing in these conditions that prevents the premises to provide entertainment in the form of adult burlesque dancing by way of a stage show (or similar) performance to customers. During any such stage performance the following conditions shall apply:

i) No persons under the age of 18 years shall be permitted in the premises
ii) A conspicuous sign shall be displayed prominently at each entrance to the premises stating. ‘’No person under 18 will be admitted or permitted to remain on premises during the performance’’.
iii) There shall be no physical contact by performers with customers during such performances.
iv) No performers shall be under 18 years
v) Only performers contracted to perform at the premises in writing shall perform such activities.
vi) No nudity/partial nudity shall be visible from outside of the premises.
vii) Customers are not permitted to touch the performers, nor participate in any performance or performance of dance.
viii) The stage performance area must be physically monitored and supervised by at least one SIA licensed door supervisor.
ix) The premises licence holder shall provide the Police with a minimum of 7 days notice (or such shorter time as may be agreed with the Police in writing) of any performance of burlesque at the premises.

(45) Boxing and wrestling and Indoor Sports shall be permitted at the premises on the condition that an event specific management document shall be provided to the Licensing Authority and the Police outlining the proposed management structure, responsibilities and contact details for the event, together with details of the organisation, control, monitoring and review mechanisms as identified by the event specific risk assessment. In all cases this shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority and the Police a minimum of 28 days prior to the event. The health and safety officer shall have power of veto over such events.

(46) Any beverages supplied by the glass at the bars in the premises shall be supplied in plastic containers or glass constructed from toughened/shatterproof glass. For the avoidance of doubt this condition does not prohibit bottle sales at tables (for example, champagne and wine) in designated areas as agreed with the Police from time to time.

(47) Where the plans submitted vary during the course of construction, prior to opening the premises final sets of plans shall be forwarded to the Licensing Authority, the Police, the Fire Safety Service and the Environmental Health Service.

(48) Prior to opening an acoustic report shall be provided to the Environmental Service’s Department to demonstrate how noise and vibration will be monitored and controlled to prevent any transmission to any user or occupier of the building adjacent or attached to the licensed premises. Any remedial measures identified shall be carried out prior to the opening of the premises.

(49) All fire escape doors to street level are to be used in emergencies only when the club areas are open to the public and shall be kept shut, except for emergency use and shall be fitted with an audible alarm to indicate if opened. The position of the alarms shall be agreed with the Environmental Service’s Department prior to fitting.

(50) A minimum of two SIA Approved Door Supervisors shall be stationed in the internal garden area from 23:00 until closing time (or such other number as agreed in writing with the Police from time to time). These Door Supervisors will use all reasonable means to ensure that customers do not shout or use raised voices that could disturb nearby residents.

(51) A plan to eject people using uncontrolled rowdy behaviour in the internal garden area shall be agreed with the Police and the Council’s Community Safety Manager prior to opening.

(52) The external doors of the premises (including fire escape doors) shall be kept closed when the premises are trading except for immediate access and egress.

(53) No amplified music shall be played in the ground floor foyer area.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

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