Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 3 September 2012

planning working group

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the sites listed below on Monday 3 September 2012 from 9:35 am to 12:35 pm.


sw/12/0867 (2.3) - land adj. to 157 peregrine drive, sittingbourne, me10 4uw

PRESENT: Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Adrian Crowther, Mark Ellen, Mike Henderson, Roger Truelove and Ghlin Whelan.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Richard Allen, Martin Evans, Kellie Mackenzie and Alun Millard.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Plumb (Agent), Mr Bosley (Applicant), Mr Barton, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Clark (Local residents all in objection).

APOLOGIES: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Derek Conway, June Garrad, Bryan Mulhern, Pat Sandle, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe and Jean Willicombe.


sw/12/0887 (2.1) - 2 oak barn cottages, yaugher lane, hartlip, sittingbourne, me9 7xe

PRESENT: Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Adrian Crowther, Mark Ellen, Mike Henderson, Roger Truelove and Ghlin Whelan.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Richard Allen, Kellie Mackenzie and Ross McCardle.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mr and Mrs Dodd (Applicants) and Councillor John Wright (Hartlip Parish Council).

APOLOGIES: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Derek Conway, June Garrad, Bryan Mulhern, Pat Sandle, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe and Jean Willicombe.


sw/12/0781 (2.6) - land r/o 1 oak barn cottages at windmill farm, yaugher lane, hartlip, nr sittingbourne, me9 7xe

PRESENT: Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Adrian Crowther, Mark Ellen, Mike Henderson, Roger Truelove and Ghlin Whelan.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Richard Allen, Kellie Mackenzie and Ross McCardle.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Gould (Agent), Mr Irwin (Applicant), Mr and Mrs Dodd (local residents), Councillor John Wright (Hartlip Parish Council).

APOLOGIES: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Derek Conway, June Garrad, Bryan Mulhern, Pat Sandle, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe and Jean Willicombe.


sw/12/0848 (2.2) - land to the rear of seager road, sheerness, me12 2bg.

PRESENT: Councillor Prescott (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Bobbin, Andy Booth, Mick Constable, Adrian Crowther, Mark Ellen, Mike Henderson, Roger Truelove and Ghlin Whelan.

OFFICERS PRESENT: Richard Allen, Kellie Mackenzie and Alun Millard.

ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Plumb and Mr Jordan (Agents), Mr Featherstone, Miss Featherstone, Miss Husband, Mrs Whiddett, Mrs Heathfield, Mrs Chessell, Mrs Rabboni, Mr and Mrs Corder, Mr and Mrs Cowleard, Mrs Wilson, Mr Collins, Mr Ditchfield, Mr and Mrs Smith, Mr Bell and Mr Aspindale (Local residents all in objection).

APOLOGIES: Councillor Barnicott (Chairman), Councillors Derek Conway, June Garrad, Bryan Mulhern, Pat Sandle, Nick Williams, Alan Willicombe and Jean Willicombe.


sw/12/0867 (2.3) - land adj. to 157 peregrine drive, sittingbourne, me10 4uw

The Planner introduced the application which sought planning permission for the erection of a four bedroom detached house with associated parking on land adjacent to 157 Peregrine Drive, Sittingbourne. The Planner explained that the dwelling would be 8.8 metres wide, 12.5 metres long, 5.4 metres to eaves height and eight metres to ridge height with a dual pitched gable-ended roof and a two storey central front gable end. A single storey three metre rear projection with two roof lights and an integral garage were also proposed. The dwelling would be 2.5 metres from the common boundary with 157 Peregrine Drive at the front of the site which would narrow to 1.2 metres to the rear. A two metre close boarded fence would be erected to the rear of the garden to create a private amenity space.

The Planner stated that the proposal was within the built-up area boundary of Sittingbourne. He considered that the pitch and materials proposed broadly mirrored those of adjoining properties and the size and design of the property was also broadly in keeping with the other properties at 155 and 157 Peregrine Drive. The dwelling would be located closer to Swanstree Avenue in comparison to other dwellings in the area, but would still be set back from Swanstree Avenue and in his opinion would not be detrimental to the character and appearance of the streetscene and visual amenities of the area.

The Planner reported that the Head of Service Delivery had requested a condition restricting hours of construction to prevent unreasonable disturbance to local residents. The Planner also drew attention to condition (13) in the report which gave the Council control over any future additions to the proposed dwelling.

The Planner further reported that both Kent Highway Services (KHS) and Kent County Council's Public Rights of Way Officer raised no objection.

Mr Plumb (the Agent) explained that they had taken the concerns of local residents into consideration and withdrawn a similar application at the site as a result and they had reduced the size of the roof following discussions with planning officers.

Mr Bosley (the Applicant) explained that only a small digger was required for digging out the footings and so disruption during construction would be kept to a minimum.

Local residents raised the following concerns: would cause overlooking and overshadowing to 157 Peregrine Drive due to the angle of the proposed dwelling; removal of bushes at the site would exacerbate overlooking; the proposal was for a larger footprint on a smaller piece of land than adjoining properties; would create a terrace effect; increase in traffic; why does the property have to be so large; would increase parking problems; would overlook 152 Peregrine Drive and cause an increase in noise.

The Planner then responded to queries from Members, about the exact location of the proposal in relation to no. 157 Peregrine Drive.

Members then toured the site and neighbouring properties with Officers.


sw/12/0781 (2.1) - 2 oak barn cottages, yaugher lane, hartlip, nr sittingbourne, me9 7xe

The Planning Officer introduced the application and explained that the proposal sought retrospective planning permission for change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian use, and for the erection of a stable block; ménage and horse treatment enclosure at 2 Oak Barn Cottages, Yaugher Lane, Hartlip.

The Planning Officer advised that the stable block measured 28 metres long and 6.7 metres wide and provided two stables, a store room, tack room, small amenity room and a feed store and would sit at the north-east end of the site. The Planning Officer explained that the small circular treatment enclosure would be approximately eight metres in diameter and the ménage would be approximately 40 metres x 20 metres and be located along the south-western boundary of the site and be screened by hedging.

The Planning Officer explained that the application site measured approximately 175 metres x 60 metres and was currently occupied by unauthorised equestrian use.

The Planning Officer drew attention to an error on page 25 of the report. He advised that planning permission SW/06/1441, for six stables on land immediately to the north of the application site, had now been implemented.

The Planning Officer stated that he considered the proposals were acceptable in principle and noted that there was adequate space for parking and turning. He also noted concerns about the amount of stables in the area, but considered that whilst there were stable buildings to the south and north of the site, the proposals would not amount to an over-proliferation of equestrian uses, in his opinion.

Mr Dodd (the applicant) explained that the proposal was purely for private use to enable his wife to safely exercise her horses.

Councillor John Wright, (Hartlip Parish Council) raised the following concerns: three stables were originally proposed but there would only be enough grazing for two horses; the proposal would lead to an over-proliferation of equestrian uses within the area and would the stables remain in private use or be let-out.

In response to a query from a Member, it was confirmed that the site had previously been used for agricultural purposes.

Members then toured the site with Officers.


sw/12/0781 (2.6) - land r/o 1 oak barn cottages at windmill farm, yaugher lane, hartlip, nr sittingbourne, me9 7xe

The Planning Officer introduced the application and explained that the proposal was for the change of use of land to a mixed use for the keeping of horses and agriculture, and retrospective planning permission for the erection of a double garage, three small barns a stable block and two large barns on land rear of 1 Oak Barn Cottages at Windmill Farm, Yaugher Lane, Hartlip. The Planning Officer explained that the garage, three small barns and stable block were arranged to the north of the site, on the edge of a small wooded area and fronted onto the access track. The two larger barns were located further west and arranged around a small yard area and would be used for storing hay.

The Planning Officer reported that the area of land proposed for grazing was a large field to the west of the wooded area. He explained that all the proposed buildings were currently subject of enforcement notices.

He also reported that the site was outside the built-up area of Hartlip, and that both KHS and the County Archaeologist raised no objection.

The Planning Officer advised that Hartlip Parish Council raised objection to the proposal, stating that no business case had been provided. The Planning Officer reported that the Council's Agricultural Advisor raised no objection and considered there was justification for the retention of the two large barns. It was Officers opinion therefore, that the stables proposed would not be a proliferation of equestrian facilities and would cause no material planning harm.

Mr Gould (the Agent) explained that the field would be farmed on a rotation basis for either hay or grazing and that the use was compatible with a rural location. He explained that any concerns about density of horses and lighting could be dealt with via planning conditions.

Councillor John Wright (Hartlip Parish Council) spoke against the proposal. He advised that the Parish Council were concerned that there could be a potential increase in livestock on the land. They were also concerned about the Council's Agricultural Advisor's assessment of the site. Councillor Wright asked that Members' of the Planning Committee be supplied with copies of the 'Nix Farm Management' booklet which he believed would give them a better understanding of the calculations used to assess the agricultural need for proposed buildings. Councillor Wright also noted that the Agricultural Advisor had requested a lower pitch roof be used on the larger barns.

The Planning Officer agreed to update Members about 'Nix Farm Management' at the next Planning Committee on 13 September 2012. The Planning Officer explained that Officers had not requested a lower pitch roof as it was considered it would not look as attractive.

Members then toured the site with Officers.


sw/12/0848 (2.2) - land to the rear of seager road, sheerness, me12 2bg

The Senior Planner introduced the application which sought permission to construct a new access road to serve a residential development already approved under application SW/10/0050 on land at Seager Road, Sheerness.

The Senior Planner explained that the originally approved access was along an existing track which aligned north to south, adjacent to the boundary with no. 4 Barnsley Close and in order for it to be acceptable, two garages needed to be demolished. The applicants had advised that they had not been able to purchase the two garages and it was therefore necessary to realign the access road to a north east direction which would result in the demolition of no. 103 Marine Parade and the resiting of the garden of 105 Marine Parade from the west side to the south. He explained that the loss of 103 was regrettable, but necessary to allow 33 dwellings to be built and therefore considered the harm did not outweigh the overall benefits for increased housing in the area.

The Senior Planner reported that many letters of objection had been received largely raising highway concerns. The Senior Planner stated that KHS raised no objection and that the realignment was essentially a like-for-like replacement of a scheme Members had already approved.

Mr Plumb (the Agent) noted the objections which he considered had been covered in the report by KHS and Planning Officers. He considered the proposed access to be a better location for the following reasons: provided better visibility splays; was 50 metres from the Seager Road junction; gave a 23 metre stopping distance and was further away from the Sheppey Academy.

Mr Plumb explained that the bus stop would be re-sited to where the previous access was to be, with speed cameras at intermittent locations.

Local residents raised the following points: Marine Parade was already often gridlocked due to delivery vehicles accessing the yacht club and buses picking-up passengers at the bus stop currently located at the application site, the proposal would exacerbate this problem; there are several blind spots along Marine Parade making it already a dangerous road to access; vehicles often speed along Marine Parade; concerns that the developer has asked Kent County Council to push the proposal through, Councillors must consider the proposal on it's safety merits not just on it's financial merits; speed camera had been erected in location due to speeding and only removed due to road works; emergency vehicles were often not able to pass through Marine Parade due to gridlock; would lead to two junctions almost opposite each other; have KHS really studied the traffic movements at the site; new Sheppey Academy would increase traffic flows; Seager Road and Marine Parade heavily congested on Sundays due to football practice at Seager Road playing field with residents not being able to park outside their properties; 43 years ago used to be boards opposite Seager Road to enable motorists to access Marine Parade safely, so if it was thought to be a dangerous road 43 years ago, surely it must be even more so now; request Members cross the road to demonstrate how dangerous it is to negotiate; access adjacent to properties without gardens so motorists would need to be even more vigilant; pedestrians already have to walk in the road due to the narrow pathway, surely this will be made worse and fail to see what the benefits are for the community.

A resident circulated hand-outs which included a detailed map of the key areas and precise measurements and photographs to demonstrate local residents' concerns.

A resident spoke in favour of the proposal and did not consider the new Sheppey Academy would increase problems as most of it's pupils would travel by bus.

A Ward Member spoke against the proposal and shared local residents' concerns about highway safety. He also considered that KCC needed to change their criteria for assessing dangerous roads.

In response to queries from the Ward Member, the KHS Officer explained that they had not taken expansion of the yacht club into consideration as no planning application had been received, it's expansion was currently only 'hearsay'. The KHS Officer explained that KHS were not saying the proposed access was safer than the original access, just that it was comparable in relation to vision splays which met the required standards.

Members then toured the site with Officers.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting