Meeting documents

Licensing Sub-Committee
Friday, 3 March 2006

Democratic Services

licensing sub-committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Friday 3rd March 2006 from 10:00 am to 11:45 am.

Present: Councillor Mick Constable (Chairman) and Councillors Sandra Garside and John Wright.

Officers Present: Miss Davies and Mesdames Baxter-Rose and Potts.

Also In Attendance: Councillors Simon Clark, Adrian Crowther and Alan Willicombe and Mesdames Coole, Costen, Cowles, Howard, Neale and Messrs Arnold, Bracken, Bryant, Clarke, Costen, Grove, Hall, Haskell, Neale, Page, Spreadbury and Thomas.


notification of chairman and outline of procedure

The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing the Sub-Committee and the Officers present. He explained that the Sub-Committee would consider two reviews in turn and detailed the procedure that would be followed. The review of the Premises Licence for The Shire Horse Public House, Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne would be heard first, followed by a review of a Personal Licence.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


review of premises licence under the licensing act 2003 - the shire horse public house, canterbury road, sittingbourne

Mr Thomas, representing the Applicant, presented his case. He explained the background of the tenancy of The Shire Horse to the Panel. He emphasised that Enterprise Inns, who owned the freehold, had not been aware of any of the problems that had existed whilst the previous tenant had been in occupancy. He told the Panel that if Enterprise Inns had known about these problems they would have tried to rectify them earlier. A new tenant was in line to take over the licence and as such Mr Thomas considered that the review should take this into account and not be influenced by previous activities. He outlined new ideas, including becoming a food-led venue, and considered that these would attract a more acceptable clientele. The tabled paper of outline conditions was referred to. The new tenant and Enterprise Inns were happy to liaise with local residents, the Police and relevant authorities.

In response to a question, Mr Thomas confirmed that there would be a change in the style of management; there would be more intervention and that he encouraged regular meetings with the Police and the Council's Licensing Officer.

Mr Neale, the Chairman of the Local Neighbourhood Watch Group spoke and asked questions on behalf of the objectors. He emphasised that local residents wanted a vast improvement to the environment and safety in surrounding streets. In response to a question he was told that the likely cost of refurbishment was £100,000.

In response to a question from a Ward Member and concern regarding absentee landlords, Mr Thomas confirmed that Enterprise Inns would take a pro-active approach with increased dialogue.

Members further discussed the review, in particular concerns regarding regulated entertainment and its conduciveness to a food-led establishment. Mr Thomas considered it necessary to remain flexible as to what the Public House offered in amenities, both to the public and to the tenant they hoped to attract.

The Chairman then invited local residents to make comments on the variations to the licence.

The Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 11:20am. Members of the Sub-Committee, the Assistant Solicitor, the Licensing Officer and the Democratic Services Officer left the meeting and returned at 11:40am, when the Sub-Committee reconvened.


(1) That in respect of a review of the Premises Licence at The Shire Horse Public House, Canterbury Road, Sittingbourne, the Sub-Committee's decision is attached as Appendix 1:

Supply of Alcohol: no changes

Regulated entertainment including Live Music, Disco, Karaoke, Films, Indoor Sports and Dancing: none throughout the week, except:
Bank Holidays, Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year Eve as before.
Late night refreshments: no changes.

Special conditions to also include:
Current Grandfather's Rights.
CCTV to cover premises and surrounding areas and to include night-time vision.
Food to be available throughout the trading period (food defined as 'a substantial meal').
To be a part of Swale Safe Night Time Economy Scheme.


local government (access to information) act 1985


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

review of personal licence under the licensing act 2003


(1) That this item be deferred to 7th April 2006.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting

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