Meeting documents

Planning Working Group
Monday, 2 October 2006

Notice of Meeting, Summons and Agenda

M E H RADFORD - Corporate Services Director
Date Published: 15 September 2006

A meeting of the Planning Working Group will be held On Site (please see below for location information) on Monday 02 October 2006 at 9:30am.

Members: Councillor Richard Barnicott (Chairman), Councillor Colin Prescott (Vice Chairman), Councillors Mike Brown, Simon Clark, Christine Coles, Adrian Crowther, John Disney, Sandra Garside, Fiona Gowdy, Elvina Lowe, Jennie Ronan, Ben Stokes, Alan Willicombe, Jean Willicombe and Brian Woodland.

Quorum = 5


apologies for absence and confirmation of substitutes


site visits

Annex 1 for Item 2

To visit the sites as listed below:

Application Sites and Times of Arrival

SW/06/0193 (3.1) 9:30 am

Fisherman's Yard, Oare Halt, Oare

SW/06/0841 (3.3) 10:30 am

Lakeside Fabrications, Oare Road, Faversham

SW/06/0794 (3.5) 11:30 am

Anchor Light Cottage, 12 Abbey Place, Faversham


Maps and directions are attached.

Please note that the times after the first venue are approximate.

View the Minutes from this meeting