Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 1 August 2006

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at the De Lacey Hall, Broadway, Sheerness on Tuesday 1st August 2006 from 7:04 pm to 9:05 pm.

Present: Councillor Jordan (Chairman), Councillor Sandra Garside (Vice-Chairman), Councillors Barnicott, Bobbin, Boden, Bowles, Christine Coles, John Disney, Jordan, Prescott, Ben Stokes and John Wright.

Officers Present: Miss Hammond.

Also In Attendance: Councillors Mike Cosgrove, Martin Goodhew and Kenneth Pugh, Miss Newton (Swale Tourism Association), Mrs Taylor (Programme Manager Mid Kent LEADER+, Kent County Council), Mr Attwood (National Farmers Union (NFU)), Mr Forrester (Head of Gypsy and Traveller Unit, Kent County Council) and Reverend W Hornsby.

Apologies: Councillors Gerry Lewin, John Morris and Woodland, Mrs Kemp (Rural Policy Officer, Kent County Council) and Messrs Brookes and Holroyd (NFU).


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Jordan be elected Chairman for the Municipal Year.

election of vice-chairman


(1) That Councillor Sandra Garside be elected Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th April 2006 (Minute Nos. 873 - 878) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part b minutes for information


gypsies and travellers - guidance

Members received a presentation from the Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit, Kent County Council (KCC). He outlined the Government objectives; the national position of gypsy and traveller caravans in January 2006 and the progress made in reducing the number of caravans not on legal sites; the assessment of accommodation needs being undertaken in Kent; consultation exercises including a KCC Select Committee and a Countrywide Officer Group and the funding provided for public sites from 2006 to 2008.

In response to a question from a Member, the Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit reported that the £53 million funding granted nationally would be spread over two years.

A Member asked if sites could be placed in more urban locations and if new sites would be subject to the same regulations regarding density as new housing developments. The Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit explained that it was the responsibility of District Councils to identify sites, which could be in urban areas. He considered that the issue regarding density was an important consideration for the future.

The Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit explained that it was difficult to estimate the potential numbers of gypsies who could enter Kent from the new European Union countries. He informed Members that the consultation exercise being undertaken with gypsies and travellers would show their movements within Kent and highlight issues regarding their activities and needs.

A Member commented on the variation in community attitudes towards gypsies and travellers and suggested that a larger number of smaller sites might be more acceptable to communities than a few large sites. The Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit explained that it was important to engage with the community when selecting sites. He considered that gypsies and travellers often preferred smaller sites but it was not always practical.

A Member referred to problems experienced with Irish travellers and the lack of available places for children at Roman Catholic schools. The Head of the Gypsy and Traveller Unit noted that this was a particular difficulty and further consideration would need to be given to this issue.


the effect of the second homes discount on rural tourism

The Executive Member for Economic Regeneration introduced this item and informed Members of the difference in the Council Tax charge from 2005/2006 compared to 2006/2007. He explained that the classification of a Class A property had been agreed in the Local Government Act 2003 and that chalets fell under this category. He reported that the number of complaints received by Swale Borough Council (SBC) and the number of Final Notices issued to chalet owners who had not paid their Council Tax were proportionality the same as last year.

A Member suggested that the impact of the second homes discount on trade was anecdotal as no clear evidence was available. However, in the feedback he had received from chalet owners affected by the discount they had raised several issues, which included having less money to spend on tourism and the possibility of having to sell their chalets. He raised concern that not enough consideration had been given to the potential implications of the second homes discount on rural tourism and suggested that a mechanism to monitor the impact be implemented.

The Executive Member for Finance and Performance advised that this issue would need to be monitored over a number of years and considered that it could be incorporated within the Tourism Strategy.


(1) That the effect of the second homes discount on rural tourism be added to the Agenda for consideration at the meeting of the Swale Rural Forum on 19th December 2006. DSO

shoreline management

The Executive Member for Community Partnerships introduced the report on the Shoreline Management Plan and explained that it was intended as a pre-cursor to the consultation exercise which would take place later in the year. He highlighted that several coastal defence options were being explored, as outlined in the report.

Members raised concerns regarding how to determine what areas of coastline to save and the likelihood of homes being lost in the future due to coastal erosion.

Mr Attwood, a representative from the National Farmers Union, reported that he had attended a meeting which had examined coastal defences. He noted that the Environment Agency had been asked to consider the cost of recreating habitats further inland to protect them from coastal erosion.


(1) That the report be noted.

rural commission spring conference

The Executive Member for Economic Regeneration introduced this item and thanked Councillor Hammond for the report from the Rural Commission Spring Conference.

Members discussed the issue of affordable rural housing, in particular the need for one and two bedroom flats. A Member raised concerns regarding the incentives for land owners to free up land and asked whether this would encourage the sale of greenfield land by landowners to developers. A Member responded that it was the responsibility of the Housing Authority to identify sites for development. Members discussed the importance of local community involvement in identifying potential sites in rural locations.


(1) That the report be noted.

swale countryside forum

Councillor Disney introduced this item and explained that he was a member of the Swale Countryside Forum. The organisation was run by volunteers and considered issues surrounding the environment, conservation and rural needs. He reported that there were a number of organisations which operated in Kent with similar aims to the Swale Countryside Forum. He considered that it would be beneficial if the organisations worked together rather than in isolation.

The representative from Swale Tourism Association reported that there was a new initiative between SBC and Swale Forward to create a Swale Green Grid Partnership. The partnership had held an initial meeting between a number of organisations to consider rural issues affecting the Borough and how to prioritise projects.

The Executive Member for Community Partnerships considered that a sub-group of the Swale Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) could be formed to consider rural issues. It was suggested by a Member that this could be considered at the scrutiny review of Swale LSP being undertaken by the Community Scrutiny Panel.


venues for swale rural forum

Members suggested that more rural locations be considered for future meetings of the Swale Rural Forum.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting