Issue - decisions

Queenborough & Rushenden Project Management Contract Appointment Value Increase

01/09/2022 - Queenborough & Rushenden Project Management Contract Appointment Value Increase

The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property introduced the report which sought to increase the contract variation of Campbell Reith from £98,000 to £151,644.  She gave a background to the appointment of Campbell Reith in September 2019 to oversee the management of the contractor to deliver Phase 4 of the Queenborough and Rushenden regeneration scheme which was being funded by the Homes England Housing Infrastructure (HIF) grant.  The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property explained the reasons behind the increase in costs which would be funded by the grant.


A Member spoke in support but sought clarification on paragraph 2.3 on page 58 of the report as he said that the land raising had not commenced on the Klyondyke site.  The Cabinet Member for Economy said that there had been issues in gaining clear access to the site.  The Economic Development Officer added that there had been delays in achieving vacant possession of the site.




(1)  That the increased contract variation of Campbell Reith from £98,000 to £151,644 be approved.