Agenda item

17/505562/FULL - Gladstone House, 60 Newton Road, Faversham, ME13 8DZ

10am – 17/505562/FULL – Gladstone House, 60 Newton Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 8DZ


The Chairman welcomed the Applicant, a representative from Faversham Town Council and nine members of the public to the meeting.


The Area Planning Officer introduced the application which sought planning permission for the demolition of an existing shed and the construction of an annex to the dwelling house (60 Newton Road).  The annex would be a single storey building, larger than the existing shed, with dimensions of 6.7 metres width, 4.5 metres depth and 4.4 metres height.  The new building would be 1.2 metres from the boundary, with a door to the back garden and a gate to the side.  The application had been modified to reduce the roof height and pitch, and there would no longer be any rooflights.  Within the building there would be one bedroom, a shower room and a lounge.  The Area Planning Officer reported that the exterior would be yellow stock brickwork.  He explained that the site was within the Faversham Conservation Area and also within the built-up area of Faversham.


The Area Planning Officer reported that Faversham Town Council objected to the application.  Their comments included that this was backland development, there was no parking provision, and there would be a loss of an established rear garden.  The Faversham Society had also objected on the grounds that it was out-of-character with the area; it would block light to neighbouring properties; was there a need for the annexe?; impact on neighbouring properties; parking was very tight; and the shed should be used to park cars in. They had requested that there be a condition to ensure that it was not used as a separate entity to the main dwelling.  The Area Planning Officer explained that there was no requirement for the shed to be used as a garage.  He advised that mention of covenants in the reasons for objection, as noted in the report, was a private, not a planning consideration.  The Area Planning Officer acknowledged the objections, but considered the concerns did not override the reasons to approve the application.


The Applicant explained where she parked her car, and that she did not need any additional parking facilities.


The representative from Faversham Town Council stated that the pitch of the roof was out-of-character with the area, and the flattened pitch looked too modern, and did not fit-in.  He considered that if the shed was demolished, there would be room for three cars to park there.


Local residents raised concerns which included:  the development was contradictory to the covenants on the properties; this would set a precedent; this was backland building; it was detrimental to the area; this would add to the pressure on parking; it would decrease light availability to nearby buildings; the development did not fit the area; it had an adverse effect on the spacious feel of the area; it failed to preserve and enhance the area; harm to the urban environment; this was infilling; negative impact on the openness to the rear of the property; harm to visual amenity; detrimental impact on the rear of the property; parking problems; did not understand the rationale or need for the development; this was not the place for development, it should be a garage; this would increase the parking problems; the height of the building would have an impact on light availability to neighbouring properties; the proposed building was too modern; and overlooking issues.  A member of the public stated that the two developments near-by had already impacted on parking in the area, prior to this new development taking place.


Members toured the application site with officers.