Agenda item

17/501755/FULL, 60 - 63 Preston Street, Faversham, ME13 8PG

10am – 17/501755/FULL 60 – 63 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8PG


The Chairman welcomed the applicant, agent, Town Council representatives and member of the public to the meeting.


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application which sought part retrospective planning permission for the change of use of the ground floor to accommodate an A1 (retail) or A2 (financial and professional) or A3 (restaurant) and the retention of A5 (takeaway), the conversion of the ground, first and second floors to create one two bedroom ground floor flat to the rear of the property, and five two bedroom and two one bedroom properties; with a total increase of 10 dwellings on the site.  She explained that historical features to the front of the shop would be retained, with the addition of access doors.  These changes would be controlled by conditions.  A building to the rear of the property would be demolished.  Further changes to the rear included the inclusion of a central courtyard, parking for 11 vehicles and 16 bicycles, plus three further flats, and a staff room and shower room for the takeaway staff.  The takeaway, already on the site would remain.  There would be a ground floor lean-to for bin storage, plus a ground floor flat-roof extension for the takeaway use.  The Senior Planning Officer explained that additional ground floor windows had been installed on the buildings to the rear of the site.  She also explained that there would be a second floor extension added to the rear of the main building providing stairs to the second floor flats.


The Agent provided the background for the previous uses of the building and referred to earlier planning applications, as noted in the report.  He explained that access to the building had always been from Union Street, and the change of use meant there would no longer be commercial deliveries.  He stated that on an earlier application, won on appeal, the only objection had been the potential loss of the shop front façade.  The façade was being retained on this application.  The Agent advised that the proposal included the sub-division of the existing area to allow for improved access to the multiple units.  The access would not be changed, and although a fire tender could not attend on a swept path, and never had been able to, a dry riser would be provided.  He acknowledged that the applicant had commenced the conversion of the upper floors, as there had been no objection to that part of the application.  The Agent considered it was a simple application which would benefit the local community, as there would be no commercial vehicles entering the site.  He explained that there would be parking and a garden area at the rear of the building.


A representative from Faversham Town Council stated that the building had the largest floor space in Faversham and the Town Council considered it should be retained as retail use, and be offered to a large store.  The Agent responded by stating that the only interest had been from a fitness provider.  In response to a question from the other Faversham Town Council representative, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that there was one parking space allotted to each dwelling. 


A local resident raised concern with parking issues, and explained that parking was already bad in the area, and with most people having two cars, this would get worse.


A Ward Member advised that he would comment on the application at the next Planning Committee meeting on 14 September 2017.


In response to a question, it was confirmed that the building was within the Faversham Conservation Area.  The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that there were 11 parking spaces for the 11 flats, and this met the existing parking standards.  She also confirmed that the existing use was A3, not retail.


Members toured the site, including access from Union Street, with the Senior Planning Officer.