Agenda item

Variation of the Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003

To consider an application for variation of the premises licence at Milton Mini Mart, 87a North Street, Milton Regis, Sittingbourne, Kent.


The Senior Licensing Officer introduced the application for a variation of the premises licence at Milton Mini Mart, 87a North Street, Milton Regis.  The application was for the extension on licensable hours to: Monday to Saturday 07:00 – 23:00; Sunday 07:00 – 22:00; and a change of plan of the premises. 


The Senior Licensing Officer drew attention to the representations received which were set out in Appendices C, D and E of the Committee report.  She reminded Members that the application should be considered on its merits.


Mr Alan Furze, the Applicant’s Agent, presented the Applicant’s case.  Mr Furze explained that the applicant simply wanted to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol from 8am to 7am.  He noted some of the concerns raised by local residents but considered these related to late night anti-social behaviour.  Mr Furze stated that the premises had operated with the same evening hours for the last 10 years and during that time the Police had not raised any concerns. 


Mr Furze stated that the Police had suggested some conditions which they were happy to implement.  The Police had subsequently withdrawn their representation. 


In response to a query from a Member, Mr Furze confirmed that the extension of the licensable hours included all bank holidays.


There were no questions from the Ward Member.


Members of the Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 11am.  Members of the Sub-Committee, Senior Lawyer – Contentious and the Democratic Services Officer returned at 11.30am, when the meeting was re-convened.


The decision, as set out at Appendix I to these minutes was announced.


Resolved:  The Sub-Committee agreed to grant the licence as applied for subject to conditions.

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