Agenda item

Local Plan Review - Vision and Objectives and Growth Options - discussion


The Project Manager (Policy) introduced the report.


Councillor Mike Baldock moved the following motion: That the vision and objectives for the Draft Plan Regulation 18 document be recommended to the Policy and Resources Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Monique Bonney. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


The Chair invited Members to make comments on each option under the growth strategy document as shown at table two of the officer’s report.


Option 1, points raised:

·         Increasing the number of housing developments by 30% near the Stockbury roundabout and A249 was not a viable option as the road network in that area was already at full capacity; and

·         Sheppey and Sittingbourne already had too much development over the past few years.


Option 2, points raised:

·         Large developments in the Western area of Swale were putting too much pressure on the road network and health services;

·         Stockbury roundabout was designed to function up to 2038 based on the current numbers, increasing those numbers now would result in the roundabout not being fit for purpose;

·         the Stockbury roundabout would not be able to be redeveloped again to accommodate for more housing; and

·         the Western Area of Swale would struggle to fit in another large-scale roundabout.


Option 3, points raised:

·         The Eastern Area of Swale had issues with its road networks as many of the roads were outdated.


Option 5, points raised:

·         Did not think that this option would work but needed to keep it in the plan for consideration if the preferred options were not viable; and

·         this option and option 4 should remain as potential developments if the preferred options were not viable.


Option 6, points raised:

·         This was the preferred option as the Faversham area would be able to take on more pressure from the new developments;

·         this option included a secondary school, which the borough desperately needed;

·         the viability of this option was a big advantage;

·         the option was going against the vision statement, and would destroy the local historic value of the Faversham areas;

·         there had been no solutions to Operation Brock by the Government which meant large Heavy Goods Vehicles were using Brenley Corner roundabout as a turning point, causing large amounts of traffic in Faversham;

·         having large strategic developments near a junction that needed government funding for improvement works would put extra pressure on the government to provide the works;

·         Sittingbourne had 85% of the developments over the past few years and the development needed to be spread across the borough, not just in one location;

·         the deliverability of the site was strong;

·         the Eastern Area of the Borough had better health services that would be able to cope with an increased pressure a strategic development would bring;

·         this option would rely on the improvement works to Brenley corner and without those works, the development would not be deliverable, so going ahead with this option would keep the pressure on the government;

·         if the Council took a strategic development approach to large-scale developments then it would result in better layout, design and services for residents in the borough;

·         needed to be mindful that placing large developments near Thanet and Canterbury district areas could result in increased pressure for those areas; and

·         doctor surgeries in Faversham villages were struggling to take on new patients due to the size of their facilities and developers were not always willing to give up land to build new surgeries.


Councillor Mike Whiting proposed growth option 6, in table two of the report, as the group’s recommended option for Policy and Resources Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Mike Baldock. On being put to the vote, it was agreed.


A member queried whether any of the other options should be considered for removal from draft Reg 18 consultation. The Project Manager (Policy) confirmed it would be reasonable to consider all alternative options, as this would help demonstrate the preferred option as a robust choice.




(1)  That the proposed vision and objectives for the Draft Plan Regulation 18 document be recommended to the Policy and Resources Committee.

(2)  That a growth strategy for the Draft Plan Regulation 18 consultation be recommended to the Policy and Resources Committee, for progression to Reg 18 consultation stage, with option 6 being the preferred option.  

Supporting documents: