Issue - meetings

Queenborough Guildhall

Meeting: 26/09/2022 - Economy and Property Committee - (Previously Regeneration and Property Committee from May 2022 - May 2024) (Item 325)

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The Head of Regeneration and Property introduced the report which focussed on a specific example within SBC Property portfolio, the Queenborough Guildhall. She said that the Guildhall condition was assessed in 2018 and the overall condition of the building was graded ‘B’ and the surveyor’s assessment was attached as Appendix A in the report. The Head of Regeneration and Property highlighted to the committee paragraph 2.4 of the report which set out the works that had been completed on the Guildhall already.


The chair reminded Members that a decision on the Property Condition Survey which included Queenborough Guildhall had already been made in the previous Regeneration and Property Committee meeting held at 7 pm that evening. Members were invited to make comments, which included:


-       Concerned that the survey conducted in 2018 was not done properly as it referenced the Guildhall having cavity walls which it did not;

-       the building was in need of urgent works;

-       some of the works identified in 2.4 had not been fully completed even though the report indicated otherwise;

-       officers needed to make sure they inspected the works to see if they were done correctly; and

-       could the Council look at ‘giving up’ some of the buildings on the portfolio to Parish and Town Councils to look after in the future.


In response, the Head of Regeneration and Property responded to say that the Property Condition survey due to be undertaken in 2023 was key to ensuring that the Guildhall had the appropriate works it needed. She added that the surveys would help the Property team assess which buildings needed the most urgent repairs.


The Chair proposed the recommendation as set out in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Cameron Beart.




(1)   That the inclusion of Queenborough Guildhall in the recommended programme of Condition Surveys (under consideration in a separate report) be supported by the Committee.

Meeting: 14/09/2022 - Economy and Property Committee - (Previously Regeneration and Property Committee from May 2022 - May 2024) (Item 4.)

4. Queenborough Guildhall pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Report published 8 September 2022.

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