Meeting documents

Policy Overview Committee
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

policy overview committee

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Wednesday 12 February 2014 from 7:00 pm to 9:11 pm.

Present: Councillor Lloyd Bowen (Vice-Chairman in the Chair), Councillors Sylvia Bennett (substitute for Councillor June Garrad), Monique Bonney, Andy Booth, Lloyd Bowen, Derek Conway, John Coulter, Adrian Crowther, Mike Haywood, Prescott (substitute for Councillor Nicholas Hampshire), Ben Stokes, Roger Truelove, Ghlin Whelan (substitute for Councillor Martin McCusker).

Officers Present: David Clifford, Joanne Hammond, Kerry Newbury, Bob Pullen and Roxanne Sheppard.

Also In Attendance: Councillor Bowles (Leader) and Councillor John Wright (Cabinet Member for Housing).

Apologies: Councillors Bobbin, June Garrad, Nicholas Hampshire and Martin McCusker and Mrs Christine White (Swale Centre for Voluntary Service) and Mr Paul Murray (Isle of Sheppey Academy).



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 January 2014 (Minute Nos. 515 - 525) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part one - substantive items


corporate plan refresh

The Chairman welcomed the Leader and the Policy and Performance Manager to the meeting for the review of the Corporate Plan Refresh.

The Leader advised that only minor changes were being proposed to the Corporate Plan as a full review was planned for the next civic year.

The Policy and Performance Manager provided some background to the Corporate Plan, explaining that it was a statement of strategic priorities and was not intended to be a detailed action plan.

Members discussed the document and made the following comments and recommendations:

Page 8 - Embracing Localism

A Member proposed that the word "organisations" be added to the sentence "We will continue to help groups of residents [and organisations] with an interest in an asset or service…". This was seconded and upon being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

Pages 10 and 11 - Open for Business

A Member requested that more emphasis be placed in supporting small businesses in the Borough, as this was a growing sector for Swale; and that reference be made to opportunities to skill people throughout their life, not just young people.

The Leader assured the Member that these comments would be acknowledged.

Pages 12 and 13 - Healthy Environment

A Member proposed that the Council's role in making representations at a strategic level between Clinical Commissioning Groups and the hospital trusts which provide health services in the Borough was reflected in the final paragraph of the section. This was seconded and upon being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

Pages 14 and 15 - Financial Summary

A Member commented on the reduction in Revenue Support Grant from central Government and local Councils' increasing reliance on Business Rates. He considered that reference should be made to the vital link between improving the local economy and the Council's financial future.

The Leader undertook to include a sentence within this section, and confirmed that these considerations were likely to take on greater prominence in the next Corporate Plan.

Appendix II - Corporate Plan Priority Actions Update 2014/15

Members commented under the following priorities:

EL3 - would welcome more information under outcomes regarding "successful engagement events held and capacity-building opportunities created".

EL5 - Council should consider producing an anti-poverty strategy, which takes a wider approach encompassing various Council departments and external organisations, including the voluntary sector.

The Leader agreed with this comment.

EL6 - Activity Areas should include reference to a framework agreement for local contractors to offer work on a longer-term basis.

The Leader undertook to look into this.

OB4 - Add wording under Activity Areas to read "Continue to work with Locate in Kent…"

A Member considered that the Council needed to develop a policy on High Streets in the Borough for a future Corporate Plan. The Leader agreed this was an area that would be reviewed.

A Member stressed that the completion of the Northern Relief Road and Southern Relief Road were essential for the future of the Borough and proposed that this be included in the Corporate Plan. This was seconded and upon being put to the vote was agreed.

The Leader advised that there was emerging documentation from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership on this issue.

OB5 - A Member stressed that high speed internet access was vital for businesses in the Borough. The Leader confirmed that he had attended a recent meeting which had suggested that coverage for Swale would be 90 - 95 per cent and options were being explored for additional funding to close the gap further.

OB9 - A Member commented on the Visit Kent website and the need to ensure that the information regarding Swale was kept up-to-date and accurate; and the importance of Sittingbourne and the Isle of Sheppey having an active tourism group. The Member proposed that the first sentence under OB9 - Activity Areas be amended to read: "Work with Visit Kent, or its successor, to accurately promote the Borough." This was seconded and upon being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

OB10 - Discussion ensued regarding the need for a diverse range of housing to meet the requirements of a growing population, encouraging young professionals to stay within the Borough, and much more social housing. A Member proposed that the first sentence under OB10 - Activity Areas be amended to read: "Ensure there is an adequately diverse range of housing supply including executive homes, starter homes and social housing." This was seconded and upon being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

A Member referred to the priorities regarding health and proposed that an additional priority for action be added as follows: "HE9 - To foster sporting activity, providing sport for all and encouraging excellence." This was seconded and upon being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

HE2 - A Member commented that there was no reference to the National Cycle Route One, the long distance cycle route which ran through part of the Borough, and proposed that this be included within the Activity Areas. This was seconded and upon being put to the vote it was agreed unanimously.

A Member raised concern regarding the Shoreline Management Plan for Swale and the potential loss of hectares of land to coastal erosion. The Leader acknowledged the Members' comments but noted that the Council had to be mindful of Government Policy on this issue.

The Chairman thanked the Leader and Policy and Performance Manager for attending the meeting.


(1) That the Policy Overview Committee recommend the following amendments to the Corporate Plan:

(i) That under Embracing Localism the word "organisations" be added to the sentence "We will continue to help groups of residents [and organisations] with an interest in an asset or service…".

(ii) That the Council represents the interests of the Borough at a strategic level with Clinical Commissioning Groups and hospital trusts to ensure that residents of Swale receive excellent health care.

(iii) That reference be added in the Corporate Plan to the completion of the Northern Relief Road and Southern Relief Road being essential for the future of the Borough.

(iv) That the first sentence under OB9 - Activity Areas be amended to read: "Work with Visit Kent, or its successor, to accurately promote the Borough."

(v) That the first sentence under OB10 - Activity Areas be amended to read: "Ensure there is an adequately diverse range of housing supply including executive homes, starter homes and social housing."

(vi) That the following additional priority be added: HE9 -To foster sporting activity, providing sport for all and encouraging excellence.

(vii) That reference to Sustrans National Cycle Route One be added to HE2 Activity Areas.

homelessness strategy

The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Housing Options Manager and the Strategic Housing Manager to the meeting for the review of the draft Homelessness Strategy.

The Cabinet Member for Housing introduced the report advising that all Councils were required to have a Homelessness Strategy and to undertake a homelessness review every five years.

The Housing Options Manager and Strategic Housing Manager gave a short presentation outlining the background to the strategy, number of homeless acceptances, reasons for homelessness, an overview of homelessness in Swale and temporary accommodation. They outlined the proposed strategic priorities: prevention, accommodation, support, welfare reform and partnership working, and set out the next steps.

Members asked the following questions:

If households were placed out of the Borough did the Council provide assistance with travel costs; and what provision was made for babies and young children?

The Housing Options Manager confirmed that the Council provided travel warrants and the team would ensure that bed and breakfast accommodation had adequate sleeping facilities for babies and young children if required.

What support was available to people with mental health problems, as well as alcohol and drug abuse?

The Housing Options Manager explained that the Council relies on partners from both the statutory and voluntary sector to work with the Council to support people with complex needs whilst they are in temporary accommodation.

What was the Council's relationship with The Quays?

The Housing Options Manager explained that the Council works in partnership with The Quays which is an 80 bed hostel providing accommodation for single people from across Kent. They have been involved in the consultation process for the Homelessness Strategy.

How does the 10 month occupancy restriction on holiday sites affect homeless numbers?

The Housing Options Manager confirmed that the numbers that presented as homeless due to this issue were low. If the household did not have a local connection then they would be supported to seek assistance from the Local Authority Area that they originated from.

What is temporary accommodation and what was considered suitable alternatives?

The Housing Options Manager explained that the Council currently uses 25 houses from Amicus Horizon, some from the private rented sector and there was a hostel in Milton. The priority was to move people into permanent residences. A Member asked whether the Council used Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO). The Strategic Housing Manager and Cabinet Member for Housing explained that many of the individuals the Council works with have complex needs and it would not be appropriate to house in this type of accommodation, and if a HMO was not managed properly it could cause social issues.

What support do we give people in safe houses?

The Housing Options Manager explained that the Council worked with colleagues in social services, the NHS and charities to provide the necessary support.

What input have other Local Authorities had to our Strategy; what input has the Housing Forum had and what points have they raised?

The Strategic Housing Manager explained that they review other Council's Strategies and benchmark against high performing authorities to identify best practice. Partners would be involved in producing the delivery plan. The main issue raised through the Housing Forum was improving engagement with the private rented sector.

How would the Strategy address the issue of landlords not accepting tenants who claim benefits; had the Council considered any incentives such as providing references for tenants?

The Strategic Housing Manager explained that discussions at the Landlord Forum had identified that they would like a dedicated officer. The team were taking on board their comments and had already put an officer in place to provide a direct contact for landlords.

What was the Council doing to engage with Letting Agents?

The Strategic Housing Manager confirmed that Letting Agents had been included in the meetings held. If they raised different needs to landlords then the team would be flexible to meet their requirements.

Members discussed the recent decision at Cabinet to purchase a house in Sittingbourne for emergency homeless accommodation and considered that this was a good opportunity and should be extended to other parts of the Borough.

The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Housing Options Manager and the Strategic Housing Manager for attending the meeting.


(1) That the draft Homelessness Strategy be noted.

part two - business items


reviews at follow-up stage and log of recommendations

The Policy and Performance Officer advised that the Sittingbourne Town Centre Review Group were meeting on 26 February 2014 and would report back on progress to the next Policy Overview Committee meeting.


draft final review report: economic development review

Councillor Derek Conway, as Lead Member for the Economic Development Review, explained that a report had not been submitted as the review was on-going and there were further witnesses to interview. He referred Members to the tabled paper providing an update on progress and suggested that a report be submitted later in the civic year.

Members agreed that the review should be carried over into the new civic year to allow time to meet with further witnesses and gather more evidence.


other review progress reports

There were no other review progress reports.


council forward plan

The Committee noted the Cabinet Forward Plan.


urgent business requests

There were no urgent business requests.


committee work programme

Councillor Roger Truelove, as Lead Member for the Mental Health Review, suggested that the next two meetings be dedicated to the mental health review; with the meeting on 19 March 2014 considering acute care, and the meeting on 23 April 2014 focusing on community provision and the role of GPs.

This was agreed by the Committee.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting